Rewrite contributing guidelines

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Nick Downie 2015-01-01 23:45:52 +00:00
parent 70c3672963
commit 8c41c5c1b7

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@ -1,20 +1,51 @@
Contributing to Chart.js
New contributions to the library are welcome, just a couple of guidelines:
Contributions to Chart.js are welcome and encouraged, but please have a look through the guidelines in this document before raising an issue, or writing code for the project.
* Tabs for indentation, not spaces please.
* Please ensure you're changing the individual files in /src, not the concatenated output in the Chart.js file in the root of the repo.
* Please check that your code will pass jshint code standards, `gulp jshint` will run this for you.
* Please keep pull requests concise, and document new functionality in the relevant .md file.
* Consider whether your changes are useful for all users, or if creating a Chart.js extension would be more appropriate.
* Please avoid committing in the build Chart.js & Chart.min.js file, as it causes conflicts when merging.
New Chart Types
Chart.js is designed to be modular. See
Using issues
All discussion of new chart types (horizontal bar charts, X-Y scatter plot, etc.) should be done in the Chart.js Google Group at!forum/chartjs-user-discussion This will get the most exposure for getting people to help define requirements, complete programming and documentation of your vision.
The [issue tracker]( is the preferred channel for reporting bugs, requesting new features and submitting pull requests.
Please do not request new chart types in the project issues. Fully implemented, documented, and useful new charts may be maintained in a new repository. Later, we may add a link to selected external repositories from this project.
If you're suggesting a new chart type, please take a look at [writing new chart types]( in the documentation, and some of the [community extensions]( that have been created already.
To keep the library lightweight for everyone, it's unlikely we'll add many more chart types to the core of Chart.js, but issues are a good medium to design and spec out how new chart types could work and look.
Please do not use issues for support requests. For help using Chart.js, please take a look at the [`chartjs`]( tag on Stack Overflow.
Reporting bugs
Well structured, detailed bug reports are hugely valuable for the project.
Guidlines for reporting bugs:
- Check the issue search to see if it has already been reported
- Isolate the problem to a simple test case
- Provide a demonstration of the problem on [jsbin]( or similar
Please provide any additional details associated with the bug, if it's browser of screen density specific, or only happens with a certain configuration or data.
Pull requests
Clear, concise pull requests are excellent at continuing the projects community driven growth. But please review the guidelines below before starting work on the project.
- Please ask before starting significant work on a pull request to check it's a change within the project scope, and isn't a duplicate effort
- Please make changes to the files in [`/src`](, not `Chart.js` or `Chart.min.js` in the repo root directory
- Tabs for indentation, not spaces please.
- If adding new functionality, please also update the relevant `.md` file in [`/docs`](
- Please make your commits in logical sections with clear commit messages
- Please avoid committing in the build Chart.js & Chart.min.js file, as it may cause conflicts when merging back
By contributing your code, you agree to license your contribution under the [MIT license](