describe('Chart.helpers.config', function() { const {getHoverColor, _createResolver, _attachContext} = Chart.helpers; describe('_createResolver', function() { it('should resolve to raw values', function() { const defaults = { color: 'red', backgroundColor: 'green', hoverColor: (ctx, options) => getHoverColor(options.color) }; const options = { color: 'blue' }; const resolver = _createResolver([options, defaults]); expect(resolver.color).toEqual('blue'); expect(resolver.backgroundColor).toEqual('green'); expect(resolver.hoverColor).toEqual(defaults.hoverColor); }); it('should resolve to parent scopes, when _fallback is true', function() { const descriptors = { _fallback: true }; const defaults = { root: true, sub: { child: true } }; const options = { child: 'sub default comes before this', opt: 'opt' }; const resolver = _createResolver([options, defaults, descriptors]); const sub = resolver.sub; expect(sub.root).toEqual(true); expect(sub.child).toEqual(true); expect(sub.opt).toEqual('opt'); }); it('should support overriding options', function() { const defaults = { option1: 'defaults1', option2: 'defaults2', option3: 'defaults3', }; const options = { option1: 'options1', option2: 'options2' }; const overrides = { option1: 'override1' }; const resolver = _createResolver([options, defaults]); expect(resolver).toEqualOptions({ option1: 'options1', option2: 'options2', option3: 'defaults3' }); expect(resolver.override(overrides)).toEqualOptions({ option1: 'override1', option2: 'options2', option3: 'defaults3' }); }); it('should support common object methods', function() { const defaults = { option1: 'defaults' }; class Options { constructor() { this.option2 = 'options'; } get getter() { return 'options getter'; } } const options = new Options(); const resolver = _createResolver([options, defaults]); expect(, 'option2')).toBeTrue(); expect(, 'option1')).toBeFalse(); expect(, 'getter')).toBeFalse(); expect(, 'nonexistent')).toBeFalse(); expect(Object.keys(resolver)).toEqual(['option2']); expect(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(resolver)).toEqual(['option2', 'option1']); expect('option2' in resolver).toBeTrue(); expect('option1' in resolver).toBeTrue(); expect('getter' in resolver).toBeFalse(); expect('nonexistent' in resolver).toBeFalse(); expect(resolver instanceof Options).toBeTrue(); expect(resolver.getter).toEqual('options getter'); }); it('should not fail on when options are frozen', function() { function create() { const defaults = Object.freeze({default: true}); const options = Object.freeze({value: true}); return _createResolver([options, defaults]); } expect(create).not.toThrow(); }); describe('_fallback', function() { it('should follow simple _fallback', function() { const defaults = { interaction: { mode: 'test', priority: 'fall' }, hover: { _fallback: 'interaction', priority: 'main' } }; const options = { interaction: { a: 1 }, hover: { b: 2 } }; const resolver = _createResolver([options, defaults]); expect(resolver.hover).toEqualOptions({ mode: 'test', priority: 'main', a: 1, b: 2 }); }); it('should support _fallback as function', function() { const descriptors = { _fallback: (prop, value) => prop === 'hover' && value.shouldFall && 'interaction', }; const defaults = { interaction: { mode: 'test', priority: 'fall' }, hover: { priority: 'main' } }; const options = { interaction: { a: 1 }, hover: { shouldFall: true, b: 2 } }; const resolver = _createResolver([options, defaults, descriptors]); expect(resolver.hover).toEqualOptions({ mode: 'test', priority: 'main', a: 1, b: 2 }); }); it('should not fallback by default', function() { const defaults = { hover: { a: 'defaults.hover' }, controllers: { y: 'defaults.controllers', bar: { z: '', hover: { b: '' } } }, x: 'defaults root' }; const options = { x: 'options', hover: { c: 'options.hover', sub: { f: 'options.hover.sub' } }, controllers: { y: 'options.controllers', bar: { z: '', hover: { d: '', sub: { e: '' } } } } }; const resolver = _createResolver([options,, options.controllers,, defaults.controllers, defaults]); expect(resolver.hover).toEqualOptions({ a: 'defaults.hover', b: '', c: 'options.hover', d: '', e: undefined, f: undefined, x: undefined, y: undefined, z: undefined }); expect(resolver.hover.sub).toEqualOptions({ a: undefined, b: undefined, c: undefined, d: undefined, e: '', f: 'options.hover.sub', x: undefined, y: undefined, z: undefined }); }); it('should fallback to specific scope', function() { const defaults = { hover: { _fallback: 'hover', a: 'defaults.hover' }, controllers: { y: 'defaults.controllers', bar: { z: '', hover: { b: '' } } }, x: 'defaults root' }; const options = { x: 'options', hover: { c: 'options.hover', sub: { f: 'options.hover.sub' } }, controllers: { y: 'options.controllers', bar: { z: '', hover: { d: '', sub: { e: '' } } } } }; const resolver = _createResolver([options,, options.controllers,, defaults.controllers, defaults]); expect(resolver.hover).toEqualOptions({ a: 'defaults.hover', b: '', c: 'options.hover', d: '', e: undefined, f: undefined, x: undefined, y: undefined, z: undefined }); expect(resolver.hover.sub).toEqualOptions({ a: 'defaults.hover', b: '', c: 'options.hover', d: '', e: '', f: 'options.hover.sub', x: undefined, y: undefined, z: undefined }); }); it('should fallback throuhg multiple routes', function() { const descriptors = { _fallback: 'level1', level1: { _fallback: 'root' }, level2: { _fallback: 'level1' } }; const defaults = { root: { a: 'root' }, level1: { b: 'level1', }, level2: { level1: { g: 'level2.level1' }, c: 'level2', sublevel1: { d: 'sublevel1' }, sublevel2: { e: 'sublevel2', level1: { f: 'sublevel2.level1' } } } }; const resolver = _createResolver([defaults, descriptors]); expect(resolver.level1).toEqualOptions({ a: 'root', b: 'level1', c: undefined }); expect(resolver.level2).toEqualOptions({ a: 'root', b: 'level1', c: 'level2', d: undefined }); expect(resolver.level2.sublevel1).toEqualOptions({ a: 'root', b: 'level1', c: undefined, d: 'sublevel1', e: undefined, f: undefined, g: 'level2.level1' }); expect(resolver.level2.sublevel2).toEqualOptions({ a: 'root', b: 'level1', c: undefined, d: undefined, e: 'sublevel2', f: undefined, g: 'level2.level1' }); expect(resolver.level2.sublevel2.level1).toEqualOptions({ a: 'root', b: 'level1', c: undefined, d: undefined, e: undefined, f: 'sublevel2.level1', g: undefined // same key only included from immediate parents and root }); }); it('should fallback through multiple routes (animations)', function() { const descriptors = { animations: { _fallback: 'animation', }, }; const defaults = { animation: { duration: 1000, easing: 'easeInQuad' }, animations: { colors: { properties: ['color', 'backgroundColor'], type: 'color' }, numbers: { properties: ['x', 'y'], type: 'number' } }, transitions: { resize: { animation: { duration: 0 } }, show: { animation: { duration: 400 }, animations: { colors: { from: 'transparent' } } } } }; const options = { animation: { easing: 'linear' }, animations: { colors: { properties: ['color', 'borderColor', 'backgroundColor'], }, duration: { properties: ['a', 'b'], type: 'boolean' } } }; const show = _createResolver([options,, defaults, descriptors]); expect(show.animation).toEqualOptions({ duration: 400, easing: 'linear' }); expect(show.animations.colors._scopes).toEqual([ options.animations.colors,, defaults.animations.colors, options.animation,, defaults.animation ]); expect(show.animations.colors).toEqualOptions({ duration: 400, from: 'transparent', easing: 'linear', type: 'color', properties: ['color', 'borderColor', 'backgroundColor'] }); expect(show.animations.duration).toEqualOptions({ duration: 400, easing: 'linear', type: 'boolean', properties: ['a', 'b'] }); expect(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(show.animations).filter(k => Chart.helpers.isObject(show.animations[k]))).toEqual([ 'colors', 'duration', 'numbers', ]); const def = _createResolver([options, defaults, descriptors]); expect(def.animation).toEqualOptions({ duration: 1000, easing: 'linear' }); expect(def.animations.colors._scopes).toEqual([ options.animations.colors, defaults.animations.colors, options.animation, defaults.animation ]); expect(def.animations.colors).toEqualOptions({ duration: 1000, easing: 'linear', type: 'color', properties: ['color', 'borderColor', 'backgroundColor'] }); expect(def.animations.duration).toEqualOptions({ duration: 1000, easing: 'linear', type: 'boolean', properties: ['a', 'b'] }); expect(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(def.animations).filter(k => Chart.helpers.isObject(show.animations[k]))).toEqual([ 'colors', 'duration', 'numbers', ]); }); }); describe('setting values', function() { it('should set values to first scope', function() { const defaults = { value: true }; const options = {}; const resolver = _createResolver([options, defaults]); resolver.value = false; expect(options.value).toBeFalse(); expect(defaults.value).toBeTrue(); }); it('should set values of sub-objects to first scope', function() { const defaults = { sub: { value: true } }; const options = {}; const resolver = _createResolver([options, defaults]); resolver.sub.value = false; expect(options.sub.value).toBeFalse(); expect(defaults.sub.value).toBeTrue(); }); it('should throw when setting a value and options is frozen', function() { const defaults = Object.freeze({default: true}); const options = Object.freeze({value: true}); const resolver = _createResolver([options, defaults]); function set() { resolver.value = false; } expect(set).toThrow(); }); }); }); describe('_attachContext', function() { it('should resolve to final values', function() { const defaults = { color: 'red', backgroundColor: 'green', hoverColor: (ctx, options) => getHoverColor(options.color) }; const options = { color: ['white', 'blue'] }; const resolver = _createResolver([options, defaults]); const opts = _attachContext(resolver, {index: 1}); expect(opts.color).toEqual('blue'); expect(opts.backgroundColor).toEqual('green'); expect(opts.hoverColor).toEqual(getHoverColor('blue')); }); it('should thrown on recursion', function() { const options = { foo: (ctx, opts) =>, bar: (ctx, opts) =>, xyz: (ctx, opts) => }; const resolver = _createResolver([options]); const opts = _attachContext(resolver, {test: true}); expect(function() { return; }).toThrowError('Recursion detected: foo->bar->xyz->foo'); }); it('should support scriptable options in subscopes', function() { const defaults = { elements: { point: { backgroundColor: 'red' } } }; const options = { elements: { point: { borderColor: (ctx, opts) => getHoverColor(opts.backgroundColor) } } }; const resolver = _createResolver([options, defaults]); const opts = _attachContext(resolver, {}); expect(opts.elements.point.borderColor).toEqual(getHoverColor('red')); expect(opts.elements.point.backgroundColor).toEqual('red'); }); it('same resolver should be usable with multiple contexts', function() { const defaults = { animation: { delay: 10 } }; const options = { animation: (ctx) => ctx.index === 0 ? {duration: 1000} : {duration: 500} }; const resolver = _createResolver([options, defaults]); const opts1 = _attachContext(resolver, {index: 0}); const opts2 = _attachContext(resolver, {index: 1}); expect(opts1.animation.duration).toEqual(1000); expect(opts1.animation.delay).toEqual(10); expect(opts2.animation.duration).toEqual(500); expect(opts2.animation.delay).toEqual(10); }); it('should fall back from object returned from scriptable option', function() { const defaults = { mainScope: { main: true, subScope: { sub: true } } }; const options = { mainScope: (ctx) => ({ mainTest: ctx.contextValue, subScope: { subText: 'a' } }) }; const opts = _attachContext(_createResolver([options, defaults]), {contextValue: 'test'}); expect(opts.mainScope).toEqualOptions({ main: true, mainTest: 'test', subScope: { sub: true, subText: 'a' } }); }); it('should resolve array of non-indexable objects properly', function() { const defaults = { label: { value: 42, text: (ctx) => ctx.text }, labels: { _fallback: 'label', _indexable: false } }; const options = { labels: [{text: 'a'}, {text: 'b'}, {value: 1}] }; const opts = _attachContext(_createResolver([options, defaults]), {text: 'context'}); expect(opts).toEqualOptions({ labels: [ { text: 'a', value: 42 }, { text: 'b', value: 42 }, { text: 'context', value: 1 } ] }); }); it('should support overriding options', function() { const options = { fn1: ctx => ctx.index, fn2: ctx => ctx.type }; const override = { fn1: ctx => ctx.index * 2 }; const opts = _attachContext(_createResolver([options]), {index: 2, type: 'test'}); expect(opts).toEqualOptions({ fn1: 2, fn2: 'test' }); expect(opts.override(override)).toEqualOptions({ fn1: 4, fn2: 'test' }); }); it('should support changing context', function() { const opts = _attachContext(_createResolver([{fn: ctx => ctx.test}]), {test: 1}); expect(opts.fn).toEqual(1); expect(opts.setContext({test: 2}).fn).toEqual(2); expect(opts.fn).toEqual(1); }); it('should support common object methods', function() { const defaults = { option1: 'defaults' }; class Options { constructor() { this.option2 = () => 'options'; } get getter() { return 'options getter'; } } const options = new Options(); const resolver = _createResolver([options, defaults]); const opts = _attachContext(resolver, {index: 1}); expect(, 'option2')).toBeTrue(); expect(, 'option1')).toBeFalse(); expect(, 'getter')).toBeFalse(); expect(, 'nonexistent')).toBeFalse(); expect(Object.keys(opts)).toEqual(['option2']); expect(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(opts)).toEqual(['option2', 'option1']); expect('option2' in opts).toBeTrue(); expect('option1' in opts).toBeTrue(); expect('getter' in opts).toBeFalse(); expect('nonexistent' in opts).toBeFalse(); expect(opts instanceof Options).toBeTrue(); expect(opts.getter).toEqual('options getter'); expect('test' in opts).toBeFalse(); expect(opts.test).toBeUndefined(); opts.test = true; expect('test' in opts).toBeTrue(); expect(opts.test).toBeTrue(); delete opts.test; expect('test' in opts).toBeFalse(); opts.test = (ctx) => ctx.index; expect('test' in opts).toBeTrue(); expect(opts.test).toBe(1); delete opts.test; expect('test' in opts).toBeFalse(); }); it('should not create proxy for adapters', function() { const defaults = { scales: { time: { adapters: { date: { locale: { method: (arg) => arg === undefined ? 'ok' : 'fail' } } } } } }; const resolver = _createResolver([{}, defaults]); const opts = _attachContext(resolver, {index: 1}); const fn =; expect(typeof fn).toBe('function'); expect(fn()).toEqual('ok'); }); it('should properly set value to object in array of objects', function() { const defaults = {}; const options = { annotations: [{ value: 10 }, { value: 20 }] }; const resolver = _attachContext(_createResolver([options, defaults]), {test: true}); expect(resolver.annotations[0].value).toEqual(10); resolver.annotations[0].value = 15; expect(options.annotations[0].value).toEqual(15); expect(options.annotations[1].value).toEqual(20); }); describe('_indexable and _scriptable', function() { it('should default to true', function() { const options = { array: [1, 2, 3], func: (ctx) => ctx.index * 10 }; const opts = _attachContext(_createResolver([options]), {index: 1}); expect(opts.array).toEqual(2); expect(opts.func).toEqual(10); }); it('should allow false', function() { const fn = () => 'test'; const options = { _indexable: false, _scriptable: false, array: [1, 2, 3], func: fn }; const opts = _attachContext(_createResolver([options]), {index: 1}); expect(opts.array).toEqual([1, 2, 3]); expect(opts.func).toEqual(fn); expect(opts.func()).toEqual('test'); }); it('should allow function', function() { const fn = () => 'test'; const options = { _indexable: (prop) => prop !== 'array', _scriptable: (prop) => prop === 'func', array: [1, 2, 3], array2: ['a', 'b', 'c'], func: fn }; const opts = _attachContext(_createResolver([options]), {index: 1}); expect(opts.array).toEqual([1, 2, 3]); expect(opts.func).toEqual('test'); expect(opts.array2).toEqual('b'); }); }); }); });