"use strict"; module.exports = function(Chart) { var helpers = require('../core/core.helpers.js'); Chart.defaults.bar = { hover: { mode: "label" }, scales: { xAxes: [{ type: "category", // Specific to Bar Controller categoryPercentage: 0.8, barPercentage: 0.9, // grid line settings gridLines: { offsetGridLines: true, }, }], yAxes: [{ type: "linear", }], }, }; Chart.controllers.bar = Chart.DatasetController.extend({ initialize: function(chart, datasetIndex) { Chart.DatasetController.prototype.initialize.call(this, chart, datasetIndex); // Use this to indicate that this is a bar dataset. this.getDataset().bar = true; }, // Get the number of datasets that display bars. We use this to correctly calculate the bar width getBarCount: function getBarCount() { var barCount = 0; helpers.each(this.chart.data.datasets, function(dataset) { if (helpers.isDatasetVisible(dataset) && dataset.bar) { ++barCount; } }); return barCount; }, addElements: function() { this.getDataset().metaData = this.getDataset().metaData || []; helpers.each(this.getDataset().data, function(value, index) { this.getDataset().metaData[index] = this.getDataset().metaData[index] || new Chart.elements.Rectangle({ _chart: this.chart.chart, _datasetIndex: this.index, _index: index, }); }, this); }, addElementAndReset: function(index) { this.getDataset().metaData = this.getDataset().metaData || []; var rectangle = new Chart.elements.Rectangle({ _chart: this.chart.chart, _datasetIndex: this.index, _index: index, }); var numBars = this.getBarCount(); this.updateElement(rectangle, index, true, numBars); this.getDataset().metaData.splice(index, 0, rectangle); }, update: function update(reset) { var numBars = this.getBarCount(); helpers.each(this.getDataset().metaData, function(rectangle, index) { this.updateElement(rectangle, index, reset, numBars); }, this); }, updateElement: function updateElement(rectangle, index, reset, numBars) { var xScale = this.getScaleForId(this.getDataset().xAxisID); var yScale = this.getScaleForId(this.getDataset().yAxisID); var yScalePoint; if (yScale.min < 0 && yScale.max < 0) { // all less than 0. use the top yScalePoint = yScale.getPixelForValue(yScale.max); } else if (yScale.min > 0 && yScale.max > 0) { yScalePoint = yScale.getPixelForValue(yScale.min); } else { yScalePoint = yScale.getPixelForValue(0); } helpers.extend(rectangle, { // Utility _chart: this.chart.chart, _xScale: xScale, _yScale: yScale, _datasetIndex: this.index, _index: index, // Desired view properties _model: { x: this.calculateBarX(index, this.index), y: reset ? yScalePoint : this.calculateBarY(index, this.index), // Tooltip label: this.chart.data.labels[index], datasetLabel: this.getDataset().label, // Appearance base: this.calculateBarBase(this.index, index), width: this.calculateBarWidth(numBars), backgroundColor: rectangle.custom && rectangle.custom.backgroundColor ? rectangle.custom.backgroundColor : helpers.getValueAtIndexOrDefault(this.getDataset().backgroundColor, index, this.chart.options.elements.rectangle.backgroundColor), borderColor: rectangle.custom && rectangle.custom.borderColor ? rectangle.custom.borderColor : helpers.getValueAtIndexOrDefault(this.getDataset().borderColor, index, this.chart.options.elements.rectangle.borderColor), borderWidth: rectangle.custom && rectangle.custom.borderWidth ? rectangle.custom.borderWidth : helpers.getValueAtIndexOrDefault(this.getDataset().borderWidth, index, this.chart.options.elements.rectangle.borderWidth), }, }); rectangle.pivot(); }, calculateBarBase: function(datasetIndex, index) { var xScale = this.getScaleForId(this.getDataset().xAxisID); var yScale = this.getScaleForId(this.getDataset().yAxisID); var base = 0; if (yScale.options.stacked) { var value = this.chart.data.datasets[datasetIndex].data[index]; if (value < 0) { for (var i = 0; i < datasetIndex; i++) { var negDS = this.chart.data.datasets[i]; if (helpers.isDatasetVisible(negDS) && negDS.yAxisID === yScale.id && negDS.bar) { base += negDS.data[index] < 0 ? negDS.data[index] : 0; } } } else { for (var j = 0; j < datasetIndex; j++) { var posDS = this.chart.data.datasets[j]; if (helpers.isDatasetVisible(posDS) && posDS.yAxisID === yScale.id && posDS.bar) { base += posDS.data[index] > 0 ? posDS.data[index] : 0; } } } return yScale.getPixelForValue(base); } base = yScale.getPixelForValue(yScale.min); if (yScale.beginAtZero || ((yScale.min <= 0 && yScale.max >= 0) || (yScale.min >= 0 && yScale.max <= 0))) { base = yScale.getPixelForValue(0, 0); //base += yScale.options.gridLines.lineWidth; } else if (yScale.min < 0 && yScale.max < 0) { // All values are negative. Use the top as the base base = yScale.getPixelForValue(yScale.max); } return base; }, getRuler: function() { var xScale = this.getScaleForId(this.getDataset().xAxisID); var yScale = this.getScaleForId(this.getDataset().yAxisID); var datasetCount = this.getBarCount(); var tickWidth = (function() { var min = xScale.getPixelForTick(1) - xScale.getPixelForTick(0); for (var i = 2; i < this.getDataset().data.length; i++) { min = Math.min(xScale.getPixelForTick(i) - xScale.getPixelForTick(i - 1), min); } return min; }).call(this); var categoryWidth = tickWidth * xScale.options.categoryPercentage; var categorySpacing = (tickWidth - (tickWidth * xScale.options.categoryPercentage)) / 2; var fullBarWidth = categoryWidth / datasetCount; var barWidth = fullBarWidth * xScale.options.barPercentage; var barSpacing = fullBarWidth - (fullBarWidth * xScale.options.barPercentage); return { datasetCount: datasetCount, tickWidth: tickWidth, categoryWidth: categoryWidth, categorySpacing: categorySpacing, fullBarWidth: fullBarWidth, barWidth: barWidth, barSpacing: barSpacing, }; }, calculateBarWidth: function() { var xScale = this.getScaleForId(this.getDataset().xAxisID); var ruler = this.getRuler(); return xScale.options.stacked ? ruler.categoryWidth : ruler.barWidth; }, // Get bar index from the given dataset index accounting for the fact that not all bars are visible getBarIndex: function(datasetIndex) { var barIndex = 0; for (var j = 0; j < datasetIndex; ++j) { if (helpers.isDatasetVisible(this.chart.data.datasets[j]) && this.chart.data.datasets[j].bar) { ++barIndex; } } return barIndex; }, calculateBarX: function(index, datasetIndex) { var yScale = this.getScaleForId(this.getDataset().yAxisID); var xScale = this.getScaleForId(this.getDataset().xAxisID); var barIndex = this.getBarIndex(datasetIndex); var ruler = this.getRuler(); var leftTick = xScale.getPixelForValue(null, index, datasetIndex, this.chart.isCombo); leftTick -= this.chart.isCombo ? (ruler.tickWidth / 2) : 0; if (xScale.options.stacked) { return leftTick + (ruler.categoryWidth / 2) + ruler.categorySpacing; } return leftTick + (ruler.barWidth / 2) + ruler.categorySpacing + (ruler.barWidth * barIndex) + (ruler.barSpacing / 2) + (ruler.barSpacing * barIndex); }, calculateBarY: function(index, datasetIndex) { var xScale = this.getScaleForId(this.getDataset().xAxisID); var yScale = this.getScaleForId(this.getDataset().yAxisID); var value = this.getDataset().data[index]; if (yScale.options.stacked) { var sumPos = 0, sumNeg = 0; for (var i = 0; i < datasetIndex; i++) { var ds = this.chart.data.datasets[i]; if (helpers.isDatasetVisible(ds) && ds.bar && ds.yAxisID === yScale.id) { if (ds.data[index] < 0) { sumNeg += ds.data[index] || 0; } else { sumPos += ds.data[index] || 0; } } } if (value < 0) { return yScale.getPixelForValue(sumNeg + value); } else { return yScale.getPixelForValue(sumPos + value); } return yScale.getPixelForValue(value); } return yScale.getPixelForValue(value); }, draw: function(ease) { var easingDecimal = ease || 1; helpers.each(this.getDataset().metaData, function(rectangle, index) { var d = this.getDataset().data[index]; if (d !== null && d !== undefined && !isNaN(d)) { rectangle.transition(easingDecimal).draw(); } }, this); }, setHoverStyle: function(rectangle) { var dataset = this.chart.data.datasets[rectangle._datasetIndex]; var index = rectangle._index; rectangle._model.backgroundColor = rectangle.custom && rectangle.custom.hoverBackgroundColor ? rectangle.custom.hoverBackgroundColor : helpers.getValueAtIndexOrDefault(dataset.hoverBackgroundColor, index, helpers.color(rectangle._model.backgroundColor).saturate(0.5).darken(0.1).rgbString()); rectangle._model.borderColor = rectangle.custom && rectangle.custom.hoverBorderColor ? rectangle.custom.hoverBorderColor : helpers.getValueAtIndexOrDefault(dataset.hoverBorderColor, index, helpers.color(rectangle._model.borderColor).saturate(0.5).darken(0.1).rgbString()); rectangle._model.borderWidth = rectangle.custom && rectangle.custom.hoverBorderWidth ? rectangle.custom.hoverBorderWidth : helpers.getValueAtIndexOrDefault(dataset.hoverBorderWidth, index, rectangle._model.borderWidth); }, removeHoverStyle: function(rectangle) { var dataset = this.chart.data.datasets[rectangle._datasetIndex]; var index = rectangle._index; rectangle._model.backgroundColor = rectangle.custom && rectangle.custom.backgroundColor ? rectangle.custom.backgroundColor : helpers.getValueAtIndexOrDefault(this.getDataset().backgroundColor, index, this.chart.options.elements.rectangle.backgroundColor); rectangle._model.borderColor = rectangle.custom && rectangle.custom.borderColor ? rectangle.custom.borderColor : helpers.getValueAtIndexOrDefault(this.getDataset().borderColor, index, this.chart.options.elements.rectangle.borderColor); rectangle._model.borderWidth = rectangle.custom && rectangle.custom.borderWidth ? rectangle.custom.borderWidth : helpers.getValueAtIndexOrDefault(this.getDataset().borderWidth, index, this.chart.options.elements.rectangle.borderWidth); } }); };