(function(){ "use strict"; var root = this, Chart = root.Chart, helpers = Chart.helpers; Chart.Type.extend({ name: "Radar", defaults:{ //Boolean - Whether to show lines for each scale point scaleShowLine : true, //Boolean - Whether we show the angle lines out of the radar angleShowLineOut : true, //Boolean - Whether to show labels on the scale scaleShowLabels : false, // Boolean - Whether the scale should begin at zero scaleBeginAtZero : true, //String - Colour of the angle line angleLineColor : "rgba(0,0,0,.1)", //Number - Pixel width of the angle line angleLineWidth : 1, //String - Point label font declaration pointLabelFontFamily : "'Arial'", //String - Point label font weight pointLabelFontStyle : "normal", //Number - Point label font size in pixels pointLabelFontSize : 10, //String - Point label font colour pointLabelFontColor : "#666", //Boolean - Whether to show a dot for each point pointDot : true, //Number - Radius of each point dot in pixels pointDotRadius : 3, //Number - Pixel width of point dot stroke pointDotStrokeWidth : 1, //Number - amount extra to add to the radius to cater for hit detection outside the drawn point pointHitDetectionRadius : 20, //Boolean - Whether to show a stroke for datasets datasetStroke : true, //Number - Pixel width of dataset stroke datasetStrokeWidth : 2, //Boolean - Whether to fill the dataset with a colour datasetFill : true, //String - A legend template legendTemplate : "" }, initialize: function(){ this.PointClass = Chart.Point.extend({ strokeWidth : this.options.pointDotStrokeWidth, radius : this.options.pointDotRadius, display: this.options.pointDot, hitDetectionRadius : this.options.pointHitDetectionRadius, ctx : this.chart.ctx }); this.datasets = []; this.buildScale(this.data); //Set up tooltip events on the chart if (this.options.showTooltips){ helpers.bindEvents(this, this.options.events, function(evt){ var activePointsCollection = (evt.type !== 'mouseout') ? this.getPointsAtEvent(evt) : []; this.eachPoints(function(point){ point.restore(['fillColor', 'strokeColor']); }); helpers.each(activePointsCollection, function(activePoint){ activePoint.fillColor = activePoint.highlightFill; activePoint.strokeColor = activePoint.highlightStroke; }); this.showTooltip(activePointsCollection); }); } //Iterate through each of the datasets, and build this into a property of the chart helpers.each(this.data.datasets,function(dataset){ var datasetObject = { label: dataset.label || null, fillColor : dataset.fillColor, strokeColor : dataset.strokeColor, pointColor : dataset.pointColor, pointStrokeColor : dataset.pointStrokeColor, points : [] }; this.datasets.push(datasetObject); helpers.each(dataset.data,function(dataPoint,index){ //Add a new point for each piece of data, passing any required data to draw. var pointPosition; if (!this.scale.animation){ pointPosition = this.scale.getPointPosition(index, this.scale.calculateCenterOffset(dataPoint)); } datasetObject.points.push(new this.PointClass({ value : dataPoint, label : this.data.labels[index], datasetLabel: dataset.label, x: (this.options.animation) ? this.scale.xCenter : pointPosition.x, y: (this.options.animation) ? this.scale.yCenter : pointPosition.y, strokeColor : dataset.pointStrokeColor, fillColor : dataset.pointColor, highlightFill : dataset.pointHighlightFill || dataset.pointColor, highlightStroke : dataset.pointHighlightStroke || dataset.pointStrokeColor })); },this); },this); this.render(); }, eachPoints : function(callback){ helpers.each(this.datasets,function(dataset){ helpers.each(dataset.points,callback,this); },this); }, getPointsAtEvent : function(evt){ var mousePosition = helpers.getRelativePosition(evt), fromCenter = helpers.getAngleFromPoint({ x: this.scale.xCenter, y: this.scale.yCenter }, mousePosition); var anglePerIndex = (Math.PI * 2) /this.scale.valuesCount, pointIndex = Math.round((fromCenter.angle - Math.PI * 1.5) / anglePerIndex), activePointsCollection = []; // If we're at the top, make the pointIndex 0 to get the first of the array. if (pointIndex >= this.scale.valuesCount || pointIndex < 0){ pointIndex = 0; } if (fromCenter.distance <= this.scale.drawingArea){ helpers.each(this.datasets, function(dataset){ activePointsCollection.push(dataset.points[pointIndex]); }); } return activePointsCollection; }, buildScale : function(data){ this.scale = new Chart.RadialScale({ display: this.options.showScale, fontStyle: this.options.scaleFontStyle, fontSize: this.options.scaleFontSize, fontFamily: this.options.scaleFontFamily, fontColor: this.options.scaleFontColor, showLabels: this.options.scaleShowLabels, showLabelBackdrop: this.options.scaleShowLabelBackdrop, backdropColor: this.options.scaleBackdropColor, backdropPaddingY : this.options.scaleBackdropPaddingY, backdropPaddingX: this.options.scaleBackdropPaddingX, lineWidth: (this.options.scaleShowLine) ? this.options.scaleLineWidth : 0, lineColor: this.options.scaleLineColor, angleLineColor : this.options.angleLineColor, angleLineWidth : (this.options.angleShowLineOut) ? this.options.angleLineWidth : 0, // Point labels at the edge of each line pointLabelFontColor : this.options.pointLabelFontColor, pointLabelFontSize : this.options.pointLabelFontSize, pointLabelFontFamily : this.options.pointLabelFontFamily, pointLabelFontStyle : this.options.pointLabelFontStyle, height : this.chart.height, width: this.chart.width, xCenter: this.chart.width/2, yCenter: this.chart.height/2, ctx : this.chart.ctx, templateString: this.options.scaleLabel, labels: data.labels, valuesCount: data.datasets[0].data.length }); this.scale.setScaleSize(); this.updateScaleRange(data.datasets); this.scale.buildYLabels(); }, updateScaleRange: function(datasets){ var valuesArray = (function(){ var totalDataArray = []; helpers.each(datasets,function(dataset){ if (dataset.data){ totalDataArray = totalDataArray.concat(dataset.data); } else { helpers.each(dataset.points, function(point){ totalDataArray.push(point.value); }); } }); return totalDataArray; })(); var scaleSizes = (this.options.scaleOverride) ? { steps: this.options.scaleSteps, stepValue: this.options.scaleStepWidth, min: this.options.scaleStartValue, max: this.options.scaleStartValue + (this.options.scaleSteps * this.options.scaleStepWidth) } : helpers.calculateScaleRange( valuesArray, helpers.min([this.chart.width, this.chart.height])/2, this.options.scaleFontSize, this.options.scaleBeginAtZero, this.options.scaleIntegersOnly ); helpers.extend( this.scale, scaleSizes ); }, addData : function(valuesArray,label){ //Map the values array for each of the datasets this.scale.valuesCount++; helpers.each(valuesArray,function(value,datasetIndex){ var pointPosition = this.scale.getPointPosition(this.scale.valuesCount, this.scale.calculateCenterOffset(value)); this.datasets[datasetIndex].points.push(new this.PointClass({ value : value, label : label, datasetLabel: this.datasets[datasetIndex].label, x: pointPosition.x, y: pointPosition.y, strokeColor : this.datasets[datasetIndex].pointStrokeColor, fillColor : this.datasets[datasetIndex].pointColor })); },this); this.scale.labels.push(label); this.reflow(); this.update(); }, removeData : function(){ this.scale.valuesCount--; this.scale.labels.shift(); helpers.each(this.datasets,function(dataset){ dataset.points.shift(); },this); this.reflow(); this.update(); }, update : function(){ //Iterate through each of the datasets, and build this into a property of the chart helpers.each(this.data.datasets,function(dataset,datasetIndex){ helpers.extend(this.datasets[datasetIndex], { label : dataset.label || null, fillColor : dataset.fillColor, strokeColor : dataset.strokeColor, pointColor : dataset.pointColor, pointStrokeColor : dataset.pointStrokeColor, }); helpers.each(dataset.data,function(dataPoint,index){ helpers.extend(this.datasets[datasetIndex].points[index], { value : dataPoint, label : this.data.labels[index], datasetLabel: dataset.label, strokeColor : dataset.pointStrokeColor, fillColor : dataset.pointColor, highlightFill : dataset.pointHighlightFill || dataset.pointColor, highlightStroke : dataset.pointHighlightStroke || dataset.pointStrokeColor }); },this); },this); this.eachPoints(function(point){ point.save(); }); this.reflow(); this.render(); }, reflow: function(){ helpers.extend(this.scale, { width : this.chart.width, height: this.chart.height, size : helpers.min([this.chart.width, this.chart.height]), xCenter: this.chart.width/2, yCenter: this.chart.height/2 }); this.updateScaleRange(this.datasets); this.scale.setScaleSize(); this.scale.buildYLabels(); }, draw : function(ease){ var easeDecimal = ease || 1, ctx = this.chart.ctx; this.clear(); this.scale.draw(); helpers.each(this.datasets,function(dataset){ //Transition each point first so that the line and point drawing isn't out of sync helpers.each(dataset.points,function(point,index){ if (point.hasValue()){ point.transition(this.scale.getPointPosition(index, this.scale.calculateCenterOffset(point.value)), easeDecimal); } },this); //Draw the line between all the points ctx.lineWidth = this.options.datasetStrokeWidth; ctx.strokeStyle = dataset.strokeColor; ctx.beginPath(); helpers.each(dataset.points,function(point,index){ if (index === 0){ ctx.moveTo(point.x,point.y); } else{ ctx.lineTo(point.x,point.y); } },this); ctx.closePath(); ctx.stroke(); ctx.fillStyle = dataset.fillColor; ctx.fill(); //Now draw the points over the line //A little inefficient double looping, but better than the line //lagging behind the point positions helpers.each(dataset.points,function(point){ if (point.hasValue()){ point.draw(); } }); },this); } }); }).call(this);