describe('Platform.basic', function() { it('should automatically choose the BasicPlatform for offscreen canvas', function() { const chart = acquireChart({type: 'line'}, {useOffscreenCanvas: true}); expect(chart.platform).toBeInstanceOf(Chart.platforms.BasicPlatform); chart.destroy(); }); it('supports choosing the BasicPlatform in a web worker', function(done) { const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); if (!canvas.transferControlToOffscreen) { pending(); } const offscreenCanvas = canvas.transferControlToOffscreen(); const worker = new Worker('base/test/BasicChartWebWorker.js'); worker.onmessage = (event) => { worker.terminate(); const {type, errorMessage} =; if (type === 'error') {; } else if (type === 'success') { expect(type).toEqual('success'); done(); } else {'invalid message type sent by worker: ' + type); } }; worker.postMessage({type: 'initialize', canvas: offscreenCanvas}, [offscreenCanvas]); }); describe('with offscreenCanvas', function() { it('supports laying out a simple chart', function() { const chart = acquireChart({ type: 'bar', data: { datasets: [ {data: [10, 5, 0, 25, 78, -10]} ], labels: ['tick1', 'tick2', 'tick3', 'tick4', 'tick5', 'tick6'] } }, { canvas: { height: 150, width: 250 }, useOffscreenCanvas: true, }); expect(chart.platform).toBeInstanceOf(Chart.platforms.BasicPlatform); expect(chart.chartArea.bottom).toBeCloseToPixel(120); expect(chart.chartArea.left).toBeCloseToPixel(34); expect(chart.chartArea.right).toBeCloseToPixel(247); expect(; }); it('supports resizing a chart', function() { const chart = acquireChart({ type: 'bar', data: { datasets: [ {data: [10, 5, 0, 25, 78, -10]} ], labels: ['tick1', 'tick2', 'tick3', 'tick4', 'tick5', 'tick6'] } }, { canvas: { height: 150, width: 250 }, useOffscreenCanvas: true, }); expect(chart.platform).toBeInstanceOf(Chart.platforms.BasicPlatform); const canvasElement = chart.canvas; canvasElement.height = 200; canvasElement.width = 300; chart.resize(); expect(chart.chartArea.bottom).toBeCloseToPixel(150); expect(chart.chartArea.left).toBeCloseToPixel(34); expect(chart.chartArea.right).toBeCloseToPixel(297); expect(; }); }); });