import {DomPlatform} from '../../src/platform'; describe('Platform.dom', function() { describe('context acquisition', function() { var canvasId = 'chartjs-canvas'; beforeEach(function() { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.setAttribute('id', canvasId); window.document.body.appendChild(canvas); }); afterEach(function() { document.getElementById(canvasId).remove(); }); it('should use the DomPlatform by default', function() { var chart = acquireChart({type: 'line'}); expect(chart.platform).toBeInstanceOf(Chart.platforms.DomPlatform); chart.destroy(); }); // see it('should gracefully handle invalid item', function() { var chart = new Chart('foobar'); expect(chart).not.toBeValidChart(); chart.destroy(); }); it('should accept a DOM element id', function() { var canvas = document.getElementById(canvasId); var chart = new Chart(canvasId); expect(chart).toBeValidChart(); expect(chart.canvas).toBe(canvas); expect(chart.ctx).toBe(canvas.getContext('2d')); chart.destroy(); }); it('should accept a canvas element', function() { var canvas = document.getElementById(canvasId); var chart = new Chart(canvas); expect(chart).toBeValidChart(); expect(chart.canvas).toBe(canvas); expect(chart.ctx).toBe(canvas.getContext('2d')); chart.destroy(); }); it('should accept a canvas context2D', function() { var canvas = document.getElementById(canvasId); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); var chart = new Chart(context); expect(chart).toBeValidChart(); expect(chart.canvas).toBe(canvas); expect(chart.ctx).toBe(context); chart.destroy(); }); it('should accept an array containing canvas', function() { var canvas = document.getElementById(canvasId); var chart = new Chart([canvas]); expect(chart).toBeValidChart(); expect(chart.canvas).toBe(canvas); expect(chart.ctx).toBe(canvas.getContext('2d')); chart.destroy(); }); it('should accept a canvas from an iframe', function(done) { var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.onload = function() { var doc = iframe.contentDocument; doc.body.innerHTML += ''; var canvas = doc.getElementById('chart'); var chart = new Chart(canvas); expect(chart).toBeValidChart(); expect(chart.canvas).toBe(canvas); expect(chart.ctx).toBe(canvas.getContext('2d')); chart.destroy(); canvas.remove(); iframe.remove(); done(); }; document.body.appendChild(iframe); }); }); describe('config.options.aspectRatio', function() { it('should use default "global" aspect ratio for render and display sizes', function() { var chart = acquireChart({ options: { responsive: false } }, { canvas: { style: 'width: 620px' } }); expect(chart).toBeChartOfSize({ dw: 620, dh: 310, rw: 620, rh: 310, }); }); it('should use default "chart" aspect ratio for render and display sizes', function() { var ratio = Chart.defaults.doughnut.aspectRatio; Chart.defaults.doughnut.aspectRatio = 1; var chart = acquireChart({ type: 'doughnut', options: { responsive: false } }, { canvas: { style: 'width: 425px' } }); Chart.defaults.doughnut.aspectRatio = ratio; expect(chart).toBeChartOfSize({ dw: 425, dh: 425, rw: 425, rh: 425, }); }); it('should use "user" aspect ratio for render and display sizes', function() { var chart = acquireChart({ options: { responsive: false, aspectRatio: 3 } }, { canvas: { style: 'width: 405px' } }); expect(chart).toBeChartOfSize({ dw: 405, dh: 135, rw: 405, rh: 135, }); }); it('should not apply aspect ratio when height specified', function() { var chart = acquireChart({ options: { responsive: false, aspectRatio: 3 } }, { canvas: { style: 'width: 400px; height: 410px' } }); expect(chart).toBeChartOfSize({ dw: 400, dh: 410, rw: 400, rh: 410, }); }); }); describe('config.options.responsive: false', function() { it('should use default canvas size for render and display sizes', function() { var chart = acquireChart({ options: { responsive: false } }, { canvas: { style: '' } }); expect(chart).toBeChartOfSize({ dw: 300, dh: 150, rw: 300, rh: 150, }); }); it('should use canvas attributes for render and display sizes', function() { var chart = acquireChart({ options: { responsive: false } }, { canvas: { style: '', width: 305, height: 245, } }); expect(chart).toBeChartOfSize({ dw: 305, dh: 245, rw: 305, rh: 245, }); }); it('should use canvas style for render and display sizes (if no attributes)', function() { var chart = acquireChart({ options: { responsive: false } }, { canvas: { style: 'width: 345px; height: 125px' } }); expect(chart).toBeChartOfSize({ dw: 345, dh: 125, rw: 345, rh: 125, }); }); it('should use attributes for the render size and style for the display size', function() { var chart = acquireChart({ options: { responsive: false } }, { canvas: { style: 'width: 345px; height: 125px;', width: 165, height: 85, } }); expect(chart).toBeChartOfSize({ dw: 345, dh: 125, rw: 165, rh: 85, }); }); // it('should support decimal display width and/or height', function() { var chart = acquireChart({ options: { responsive: false } }, { canvas: { style: 'width: 345.42px; height: 125.42px;' } }); expect(chart).toBeChartOfSize({ dw: 345, dh: 125, rw: 345, rh: 125, }); }); }); describe('config.options.responsive: true (maintainAspectRatio: true)', function() { it('should fill parent width and use aspect ratio to calculate height', function() { var chart = acquireChart({ options: { responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: true } }, { canvas: { style: 'width: 150px; height: 245px' }, wrapper: { style: 'width: 300px; height: 350px' } }); expect(chart).toBeChartOfSize({ dw: 300, dh: 490, rw: 300, rh: 490, }); }); }); describe('controller.destroy', function() { it('should reset context to default values', function() { var wrapper = document.createElement('div'); var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); wrapper.appendChild(canvas); window.document.body.appendChild(wrapper); var chart = new Chart(canvas, {}); var context = chart.ctx; chart.destroy(); // Chart.helpers.each({ fillStyle: '#000000', font: '10px sans-serif', lineJoin: 'miter', lineCap: 'butt', lineWidth: 1, miterLimit: 10, shadowBlur: 0, shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)', shadowOffsetX: 0, shadowOffsetY: 0, strokeStyle: '#000000', textAlign: 'start', textBaseline: 'alphabetic' }, function(value, key) { expect(context[key]).toBe(value); }); wrapper.parentNode.removeChild(wrapper); }); it('should restore canvas initial values', function(done) { var wrapper = document.createElement('div'); var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.setAttribute('width', 180); canvas.setAttribute('style', 'width: 512px; height: 480px'); wrapper.setAttribute('style', 'width: 450px; height: 450px; position: relative'); wrapper.appendChild(canvas); window.document.body.appendChild(wrapper); var chart = new Chart(canvas.getContext('2d'), { options: { responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: false } }); waitForResize(chart, function() { expect(chart).toBeChartOfSize({ dw: 475, dh: 450, rw: 475, rh: 450, }); chart.destroy(); expect(canvas.getAttribute('width')).toBe('180'); expect(canvas.getAttribute('height')).toBe(null); expect('512px'); expect('480px'); expect(''); wrapper.parentNode.removeChild(wrapper); done(); }); = '475px'; }); }); describe('event handling', function() { it('should notify plugins about events', function(done) { var notifiedEvent; var plugin = { afterEvent: function(chart, e) { notifiedEvent = e; } }; var chart = acquireChart({ type: 'line', data: { labels: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'], datasets: [{ data: [10, 20, 30, 100] }] }, options: { responsive: true }, plugins: [plugin] }); afterEvent(chart, 'click', function() { // Check that notifiedEvent is correct expect(notifiedEvent).not.toBe(undefined); // Is type correctly translated expect(notifiedEvent.type).toBe('click'); // Relative Position expect(notifiedEvent.x).toBeCloseToPixel(chart.width / 2); expect(notifiedEvent.y).toBeCloseToPixel(chart.height / 2); done(); }); jasmine.triggerMouseEvent(chart, 'click', { x: chart.width / 2, y: chart.height / 2 }); }); }); describe('isAttached', function() { it('should detect detached when canvas is attached to DOM', function() { var platform = new DomPlatform(); var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); var div = document.createElement('div'); expect(platform.isAttached(canvas)).toEqual(false); div.appendChild(canvas); expect(platform.isAttached(canvas)).toEqual(false); document.body.appendChild(div); expect(platform.isAttached(canvas)).toEqual(true); div.removeChild(canvas); expect(platform.isAttached(canvas)).toEqual(false); document.body.removeChild(div); expect(platform.isAttached(canvas)).toEqual(false); }); }); });