(function() { // Code from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4406864/html-canvas-unit-testing var Context = function() { this._calls = []; // names/args of recorded calls this._initMethods(); this._fillStyle = null; this._lineCap = null; this._lineDashOffset = null; this._lineJoin = null; this._lineWidth = null; this._strokeStyle = null; // Define properties here so that we can record each time they are set Object.defineProperties(this, { "fillStyle": { 'get': function() { return this._fillStyle; }, 'set': function(style) { this._fillStyle = style; this.record('setFillStyle', [style]); } }, 'lineCap': { 'get': function() { return this._lineCap; }, 'set': function(cap) { this._lineCap = cap; this.record('setLineCap', [cap]); } }, 'lineDashOffset': { 'get': function() { return this._lineDashOffset; }, 'set': function(offset) { this._lineDashOffset = offset; this.record('setLineDashOffset', [offset]); } }, 'lineJoin': { 'get': function() { return this._lineJoin; }, 'set': function(join) { this._lineJoin = join; this.record('setLineJoin', [join]); } }, 'lineWidth': { 'get': function() { return this._lineWidth; }, 'set': function (width) { this._lineWidth = width; this.record('setLineWidth', [width]); } }, 'strokeStyle': { 'get': function() { return this._strokeStyle; }, 'set': function(style) { this._strokeStyle = style; this.record('setStrokeStyle', [style]); } }, }); }; Context.prototype._initMethods = function() { // define methods to test here // no way to introspect so we have to do some extra work :( var methods = { arc: function() {}, beginPath: function() {}, bezierCurveTo: function() {}, clearRect: function() {}, closePath: function() {}, fill: function() {}, fillRect: function() {}, fillText: function() {}, lineTo: function(x, y) {}, measureText: function(text) { // return the number of characters * fixed size return text ? { width: text.length * 10 } : {width: 0}; }, moveTo: function(x, y) {}, quadraticCurveTo: function() {}, restore: function() {}, rotate: function() {}, save: function() {}, setLineDash: function() {}, stroke: function() {}, strokeRect: function(x, y, w, h) {}, setTransform: function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {}, translate: function(x, y) {}, }; // attach methods to the class itself var scope = this; var addMethod = function(name, method) { scope[methodName] = function() { scope.record(name, arguments); return method.apply(scope, arguments); }; } for (var methodName in methods) { var method = methods[methodName]; addMethod(methodName, method); } }; Context.prototype.record = function(methodName, args) { this._calls.push({ name: methodName, args: Array.prototype.slice.call(args) }); }, Context.prototype.getCalls = function() { return this._calls; } Context.prototype.resetCalls = function() { this._calls = []; }; window.createMockContext = function() { return new Context(); }; // Custom matcher function toBeCloseToPixel() { return { compare: function(actual, expected) { var result = (!isNaN(actual) && !isNaN(expected))? Math.abs(actual - expected) < 2 : // 2 pixels tolerance false; return { pass: result }; } } }; window.addDefaultMatchers = function(jasmine) { jasmine.addMatchers({ toBeCloseToPixel: toBeCloseToPixel }); } // Canvas injection helpers var charts = {}; function acquireChart(config, style) { var wrapper = document.createElement("div"); var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); wrapper.className = 'chartjs-wrapper'; style = style || { height: '512px', width: '512px' }; for (var k in style) { wrapper.style[k] = style[k]; canvas.style[k] = style[k]; } canvas.height = canvas.style.height && parseInt(canvas.style.height); canvas.width = canvas.style.width && parseInt(canvas.style.width); // by default, remove chart animation and auto resize var options = config.options = config.options || {}; options.animation = options.animation === undefined? false : options.animation; options.responsive = options.responsive === undefined? false : options.responsive; options.defaultFontFamily = options.defaultFontFamily || 'Arial'; wrapper.appendChild(canvas); window.document.body.appendChild(wrapper); var chart = new Chart(canvas.getContext("2d"), config); charts[chart.id] = chart; return chart; } function releaseChart(chart) { chart.chart.canvas.parentNode.remove(); delete charts[chart.id]; delete chart; } function releaseAllCharts(scope) { for (var id in charts) { var chart = charts[id]; releaseChart(chart); } } function injectCSS(css) { // http://stackoverflow.com/q/3922139 var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var style = document.createElement('style'); style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); if (style.styleSheet) { // IE style.styleSheet.cssText = css; } else { style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); } head.appendChild(style); } window.acquireChart = acquireChart; window.releaseChart = releaseChart; window.releaseAllCharts = releaseAllCharts; // some style initialization to limit differences between browsers across different plateforms. injectCSS( '.chartjs-wrapper, .chartjs-wrapper canvas {' + 'border: 0;' + 'margin: 0;' + 'padding: 0;' + '}' + '.chartjs-wrapper {' + 'position: absolute' + '}'); })();