# Polar Area Polar area charts are similar to pie charts, but each segment has the same angle - the radius of the segment differs depending on the value. This type of chart is often useful when we want to show a comparison data similar to a pie chart, but also show a scale of values for context. {% chartjs %} { "type": "polarArea", "data": { "labels": [ "Red", "Green", "Yellow", "Grey", "Blue" ], "datasets": [{ "label": "My First Dataset", "data": [11, 16, 7, 3, 14], "backgroundColor": [ "rgb(255, 99, 132)", "rgb(75, 192, 192)", "rgb(255, 205, 86)", "rgb(201, 203, 207)", "rgb(54, 162, 235)" ] }] } } {% endchartjs %} ## Example Usage ```javascript new Chart(ctx, { data: data, type: 'polarArea', options: options }); ``` ## Dataset Properties The following options can be included in a polar area chart dataset to configure options for that specific dataset. | Name | Type | [Scriptable](../general/options.md#scriptable-options) | [Indexable](../general/options.md#indexable-options) | Default | ---- | ---- | :----: | :----: | ---- | [`backgroundColor`](#styling) | [`Color`](../general/colors.md) | Yes | Yes | `'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)'` | [`borderAlign`](#border-alignment) | `string` | Yes | Yes | `'center'` | [`borderColor`](#styling) | [`Color`](../general/colors.md) | Yes | Yes | `'#fff'` | [`borderWidth`](#styling) | `number` | Yes | Yes | `2` | [`clip`](#general) | number|object | - | - | `undefined` | [`data`](#data-structure) | `number[]` | - | - | **required** | [`hoverBackgroundColor`](#interations) | [`Color`](../general/colors.md) | Yes | Yes | `undefined` | [`hoverBorderColor`](#interactions) | [`Color`](../general/colors.md) | Yes | Yes | `undefined` | [`hoverBorderWidth`](#interactions) | `number` | Yes | Yes | `undefined` ### General | Name | Description | ---- | ---- | `clip` | How to clip relative to chartArea. Positive value allows overflow, negative value clips that many pixels inside chartArea. `0` = clip at chartArea. Clipping can also be configured per side: `clip: {left: 5, top: false, right: -2, bottom: 0}` ### Styling The style of each arc can be controlled with the following properties: | Name | Description | ---- | ---- | `backgroundColor` | arc background color. | `borderColor` | arc border color. | `borderWidth` | arc border width (in pixels). All these values, if `undefined`, fallback to the associated [`elements.arc.*`](../configuration/elements.md#arc-configuration) options. ### Border Alignment The following values are supported for `borderAlign`. * `'center'` (default) * `'inner'` When `'center'` is set, the borders of arcs next to each other will overlap. When `'inner'` is set, it is guaranteed that all the borders are not overlap. ### Interactions The interaction with each arc can be controlled with the following properties: | Name | Description | ---- | ----------- | `hoverBackgroundColor` | arc background color when hovered. | `hoverBorderColor` | arc border color when hovered. | `hoverBorderWidth` | arc border width when hovered (in pixels). All these values, if `undefined`, fallback to the associated [`elements.arc.*`](../configuration/elements.md#arc-configuration) options. ## Config Options These are the customisation options specific to Polar Area charts. These options are merged with the [global chart default options](#default-options), and form the options of the chart. | Name | Type | Default | Description | ---- | ---- | ------- | ----------- | `startAngle` | `number` | `0` | Starting angle to draw arcs for the first item in a dataset. In degrees, 0 is at top. | `animation.animateRotate` | `boolean` | `true` | If true, the chart will animate in with a rotation animation. This property is in the `options.animation` object. | `animation.animateScale` | `boolean` | `true` | If true, will animate scaling the chart from the center outwards. The polar area chart uses the [radialLinear](../axes/radial/linear.md) scale. Additional configuration is provided via the scale. ## Default Options We can also change these defaults values for each PolarArea type that is created, this object is available at `Chart.defaults.polarArea`. Changing the global options only affects charts created after the change. Existing charts are not changed. For example, to configure all new polar area charts with `animateScale = false` you would do: ```javascript Chart.defaults.polarArea.animation.animateScale = false; ``` ## Data Structure For a polar area chart, datasets need to contain an array of data points. The data points should be a number, Chart.js will total all of the numbers and calculate the relative proportion of each. You also need to specify an array of labels so that tooltips appear correctly for each slice. ```javascript data = { datasets: [{ data: [10, 20, 30] }], // These labels appear in the legend and in the tooltips when hovering different arcs labels: [ 'Red', 'Yellow', 'Blue' ] }; ```