Contributing to Chart.js ======================== Contributions to Chart.js are welcome and encouraged, but please have a look through the guidelines in this document before raising an issue, or writing code for the project. Using issues ------------ The [issue tracker]( is the preferred channel for reporting bugs, requesting new features and submitting pull requests. If you're suggesting a new chart type, please take a look at [writing new chart types]( in the documentation, and some of the [community extensions]( that have been created already. To keep the library lightweight for everyone, it's unlikely we'll add many more chart types to the core of Chart.js, but issues are a good medium to design and spec out how new chart types could work and look. Please do not use issues for support requests. For help using Chart.js, please take a look at the [`chartjs`]( tag on Stack Overflow. Reporting bugs -------------- Well structured, detailed bug reports are hugely valuable for the project. Guidlines for reporting bugs: - Check the issue search to see if it has already been reported - Isolate the problem to a simple test case - Provide a demonstration of the problem on [JS Bin]( or similar Please provide any additional details associated with the bug, if it's browser or screen density specific, or only happens with a certain configuration or data. Local development ----------------- Run `npm install` to install all the libraries, then run `gulp dev --test` to build and run tests as you make changes. Pull requests ------------- Clear, concise pull requests are excellent at continuing the project's community driven growth. But please review [these guidelines]( and the guidelines below before starting work on the project. Guidlines: - Please create an issue first: - For bugs, we can discuss the fixing approach - For enhancements, we can discuss if it is within the project scope and avoid duplicate effort - Please make changes to the files in [`/src`](, not `Chart.js` or `Chart.min.js` in the repo root directory, this avoids merge conflicts - Tabs for indentation, not spaces please - If adding new functionality, please also update the relevant `.md` file in [`/docs`]( - Please make your commits in logical sections with clear commit messages Joining the Project ------------- - Active committers and contributors are invited to introduce yourself and request commit access to this project. Please send an email to or file an issue. License ------- By contributing your code, you agree to license your contribution under the [MIT license](