# Contributing New contributions to the library are welcome, but we ask that you please follow these guidelines: - Use tabs for indentation, not spaces. - Only change the individual files in `/src`. - Check that your code will pass `eslint` code standards, `gulp lint` will run this for you. - Check that your code will pass tests, `gulp test` will run tests for you. - Keep pull requests concise, and document new functionality in the relevant `.md` file. - Consider whether your changes are useful for all users, or if creating a Chart.js [plugin](plugins.md) would be more appropriate. # Joining the project Active committers and contributors are invited to introduce yourself and request commit access to this project. We have a very active Slack community that you can join [here](https://chart-js-automation.herokuapp.com/). If you think you can help, we'd love to have you! # Building and Testing Chart.js uses gulp to build the library into a single JavaScript file. Firstly, we need to ensure development dependencies are installed. With node and npm installed, after cloning the Chart.js repo to a local directory, and navigating to that directory in the command line, we can run the following: ```bash > npm install > npm install -g gulp ``` This will install the local development dependencies for Chart.js, along with a CLI for the JavaScript task runner gulp. The following commands are now available from the repository root: ```bash > gulp build // build Chart.js in ./dist > gulp unittest // run tests from ./test/specs > gulp unittest --watch // run tests and watch for source changes > gulp unittest --coverage // run tests and generate coverage reports in ./coverage > gulp lint // perform code linting (ESLint) > gulp test // perform code linting and run unit tests > gulp docs // build the documentation in ./dist/docs ``` More information can be found in [gulpfile.js](https://github.com/chartjs/Chart.js/blob/master/gulpfile.js). # Bugs and Issues Please report these on the GitHub page - at github.com/chartjs/Chart.js. Please do not use issues for support requests. For help using Chart.js, please take a look at the [`chartjs`](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/chartjs) tag on Stack Overflow. Well structured, detailed bug reports are hugely valuable for the project. Guidelines for reporting bugs: - Check the issue search to see if it has already been reported - Isolate the problem to a simple test case - Please include a demonstration of the bug on a website such as [JS Bin](http://jsbin.com/), [JS Fiddle](http://jsfiddle.net/), or [Codepen](http://codepen.io/pen/). ([Template](http://codepen.io/pen?template=JXVYzq)) Please provide any additional details associated with the bug, if it's browser or screen density specific, or only happens with a certain configuration or data.