(function() { "use strict"; var root = this, Chart = root.Chart, helpers = Chart.helpers; var time = { units: [ 'millisecond', 'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day', 'week', 'month', 'quarter', 'year', ], unit: { 'millisecond': { display: 'SSS [ms]', // 002 ms maxStep: 1000, }, 'second': { display: 'h:mm:ss a', // 11:20:01 AM maxStep: 60, }, 'minute': { display: 'h:mm:ss a', // 11:20:01 AM maxStep: 60, }, 'hour': { display: 'MMM D, hA', // Sept 4, 5PM maxStep: 24, }, 'day': { display: 'll', // Sep 4 2015 maxStep: 7, }, 'week': { display: 'll', // Week 46, or maybe "[W]WW - YYYY" ? maxStep: 4.3333, }, 'month': { display: 'MMM YYYY', // Sept 2015 maxStep: 12, }, 'quarter': { display: '[Q]Q - YYYY', // Q3 maxStep: 4, }, 'year': { display: 'YYYY', // 2015 maxStep: false, }, } }; var defaultConfig = { display: true, position: "bottom", // grid line settings gridLines: { show: true, color: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)", lineWidth: 1, drawOnChartArea: true, drawTicks: true, // draw ticks extending towards the label }, tick: { format: false, // false == date objects or use pattern string from http://momentjs.com/docs/#/parsing/string-format/ unit: false, // false == automatic or override with week, month, year, etc. round: false, // none, or override with week, month, year, etc. displayFormat: false, // defaults to unit's corresponding unitFormat below or override using pattern string from http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/ }, // scale numbers reverse: false, override: null, // label settings labels: { show: true, mirror: false, padding: 10, template: "<%=value.toLocaleString()%>", fontSize: 12, fontStyle: "normal", fontColor: "#666", fontFamily: "Helvetica Neue", maxRotation: 45, } }; var TimeScale = Chart.Element.extend({ isHorizontal: function() { return this.options.position == "top" || this.options.position == "bottom"; }, parseTime: function(label) { // Date objects if (typeof label.getMonth === 'function' || typeof label == 'number') { return moment(label); } // Moment support if (label.isValid && label.isValid()) { return label; } // Custom parsing (return an instance of moment) if (typeof this.options.tick.format !== 'string' && this.options.tick.format.call) { return this.options.tick.format(label); } // Moment format parsing return moment(label, this.options.tick.format); }, generateTicks: function(index) { this.ticks = []; this.labelMoments = []; // Parse each label into a moment this.data.labels.forEach(function(label, index) { var labelMoment = this.parseTime(label); if (this.options.tick.round) { labelMoment.startOf(this.options.tick.round); } this.labelMoments.push(labelMoment); }, this); // Find the first and last moments, and range this.firstTick = moment.min.call(this, this.labelMoments).clone(); this.lastTick = moment.max.call(this, this.labelMoments).clone(); // Set unit override if applicable if (this.options.tick.unit) { this.tickUnit = this.options.tick.unit || 'day'; this.displayFormat = time.unit.day.display; this.tickRange = Math.ceil(this.lastTick.diff(this.firstTick, this.tickUnit, true)); } else { // Determine the smallest needed unit of the time var innerWidth = this.width - (this.paddingLeft + this.paddingRight); var labelCapacity = innerWidth / this.options.labels.fontSize + 4; var buffer = this.options.tick.round ? 0 : 2; this.tickRange = Math.ceil(this.lastTick.diff(this.firstTick, true) + buffer); var done; helpers.each(time.units, function(format) { if (this.tickRange <= labelCapacity) { return; } this.tickUnit = format; this.tickRange = Math.ceil(this.lastTick.diff(this.firstTick, this.tickUnit) + buffer); this.displayFormat = time.unit[format].display; }, this); } this.firstTick.startOf(this.tickUnit); this.lastTick.endOf(this.tickUnit); this.smallestLabelSeparation = this.width; var i = 0; for (i = 1; i < this.labelMoments.length; i++) { this.smallestLabelSeparation = Math.min(this.smallestLabelSeparation, this.labelMoments[i].diff(this.labelMoments[i - 1], this.tickUnit, true)); } // Tick displayFormat override if (this.options.tick.displayFormat) { this.displayFormat = this.options.tick.displayFormat; } // For every unit in between the first and last moment, create a moment and add it to the labels tick if (this.options.labels.userCallback) { for (; i <= this.tickRange; i++) { this.ticks.push( this.options.labels.userCallback(this.firstTick.clone() .add(i, this.tickUnit) .format(this.options.tick.displayFormat ? this.options.tick.displayFormat : time.unit[this.tickUnit].display) ) ); } } else { for (; i <= this.tickRange; i++) { this.ticks.push(this.firstTick.clone() .add(i, this.tickUnit) .format(this.options.tick.displayFormat ? this.options.tick.displayFormat : time.unit[this.tickUnit].display) ); } } }, getPixelForValue: function(value, decimal, datasetIndex, includeOffset) { // This must be called after fit has been run so that // this.left, this.top, this.right, and this.bottom have been defined if (this.isHorizontal()) { var innerWidth = this.width - (this.paddingLeft + this.paddingRight); var valueWidth = innerWidth / Math.max(this.ticks.length - 1, 1); var valueOffset = (innerWidth * decimal) + this.paddingLeft; return this.left + Math.round(valueOffset); } else { return this.top + (decimal * (this.height / this.ticks.length)); } }, getPointPixelForValue: function(value, index, datasetIndex) { var offset = this.labelMoments[index].diff(this.firstTick, this.tickUnit, true); return this.getPixelForValue(value, offset / this.tickRange, datasetIndex); }, // Functions needed for bar charts calculateBaseWidth: function() { return (this.getPixelForValue(null, this.smallestLabelSeparation / this.tickRange, 0, true) - this.getPixelForValue(null, 0, 0, true)) - (2 * this.options.categorySpacing); }, calculateBarWidth: function(barDatasetCount) { //The padding between datasets is to the right of each bar, providing that there are more than 1 dataset var baseWidth = this.calculateBaseWidth() - ((barDatasetCount - 1) * this.options.spacing); if (this.options.stacked) { return baseWidth; } return (baseWidth / barDatasetCount); }, calculateBarX: function(barDatasetCount, datasetIndex, elementIndex) { var xWidth = this.calculateBaseWidth(), offset = this.labelMoments[elementIndex].diff(this.firstTick, this.tickUnit, true), xAbsolute = this.getPixelForValue(null, offset / this.tickRange, datasetIndex, true) - (xWidth / 2), barWidth = this.calculateBarWidth(barDatasetCount); if (this.options.stacked) { return xAbsolute + barWidth / 2; } return xAbsolute + (barWidth * datasetIndex) + (datasetIndex * this.options.spacing) + barWidth / 2; }, calculateTickRotation: function(maxHeight, margins) { //Get the width of each grid by calculating the difference //between x offsets between 0 and 1. var labelFont = helpers.fontString(this.options.labels.fontSize, this.options.labels.fontStyle, this.options.labels.fontFamily); this.ctx.font = labelFont; var firstWidth = this.ctx.measureText(this.ticks[0]).width; var lastWidth = this.ctx.measureText(this.ticks[this.ticks.length - 1]).width; var firstRotated; var lastRotated; this.paddingRight = lastWidth / 2 + 3; this.paddingLeft = firstWidth / 2 + 3; this.labelRotation = 0; if (this.options.display) { var originalLabelWidth = helpers.longestText(this.ctx, labelFont, this.ticks); var cosRotation; var sinRotation; var firstRotatedWidth; this.labelWidth = originalLabelWidth; //Allow 3 pixels x2 padding either side for label readability // only the index matters for a dataset scale, but we want a consistent interface between scales var datasetWidth = Math.floor(this.getPixelForValue(null, 1 / this.ticks.length) - this.getPixelForValue(null, 0)) - 6; //Max label rotation can be set or default to 90 - also act as a loop counter while (this.labelWidth > datasetWidth && this.labelRotation <= this.options.labels.maxRotation) { cosRotation = Math.cos(helpers.toRadians(this.labelRotation)); sinRotation = Math.sin(helpers.toRadians(this.labelRotation)); firstRotated = cosRotation * firstWidth; lastRotated = cosRotation * lastWidth; // We're right aligning the text now. if (firstRotated + this.options.labels.fontSize / 2 > this.yLabelWidth) { this.paddingLeft = firstRotated + this.options.labels.fontSize / 2; } this.paddingRight = this.options.labels.fontSize / 2; if (sinRotation * originalLabelWidth > maxHeight) { // go back one step this.labelRotation--; break; } this.labelRotation++; this.labelWidth = cosRotation * originalLabelWidth; } } else { this.labelWidth = 0; this.paddingRight = 0; this.paddingLeft = 0; } if (margins) { this.paddingLeft -= margins.left; this.paddingRight -= margins.right; this.paddingLeft = Math.max(this.paddingLeft, 0); this.paddingRight = Math.max(this.paddingRight, 0); } }, // Fit this axis to the given size // @param {number} maxWidth : the max width the axis can be // @param {number} maxHeight: the max height the axis can be // @return {object} minSize : the minimum size needed to draw the axis fit: function(maxWidth, maxHeight, margins) { // Set the unconstrained dimension before label rotation if (this.isHorizontal()) { this.width = maxWidth; } else { this.height = maxHeight; } this.generateTicks(); this.calculateTickRotation(maxHeight, margins); var minSize = { width: 0, height: 0, }; var labelFont = helpers.fontString(this.options.labels.fontSize, this.options.labels.fontStyle, this.options.labels.fontFamily); var longestLabelWidth = helpers.longestText(this.ctx, labelFont, this.ticks); // Width if (this.isHorizontal()) { minSize.width = maxWidth; } else if (this.options.display) { var labelWidth = this.options.labels.show ? longestLabelWidth + 6 : 0; minSize.width = Math.min(labelWidth, maxWidth); } // Height if (this.isHorizontal() && this.options.display) { var labelHeight = (Math.sin(helpers.toRadians(this.labelRotation)) * longestLabelWidth) + 1.5 * this.options.labels.fontSize; minSize.height = Math.min(this.options.labels.show ? labelHeight : 0, maxHeight); } else if (this.options.display) { minSize.height = maxHeight; } this.width = minSize.width; this.height = minSize.height; return minSize; }, // Actualy draw the scale on the canvas // @param {rectangle} chartArea : the area of the chart to draw full grid lines on draw: function(chartArea) { if (this.options.display) { var setContextLineSettings; // Make sure we draw text in the correct color this.ctx.fillStyle = this.options.labels.fontColor; if (this.isHorizontal()) { setContextLineSettings = true; var yTickStart = this.options.position == "bottom" ? this.top : this.bottom - 10; var yTickEnd = this.options.position == "bottom" ? this.top + 10 : this.bottom; var isRotated = this.labelRotation !== 0; var skipRatio = false; if ((this.options.labels.fontSize + 4) * this.ticks.length > (this.width - (this.paddingLeft + this.paddingRight))) { skipRatio = 1 + Math.floor(((this.options.labels.fontSize + 4) * this.ticks.length) / (this.width - (this.paddingLeft + this.paddingRight))); } helpers.each(this.ticks, function(tick, index) { // Blank ticks if ((skipRatio > 1 && index % skipRatio > 0) || (tick === undefined || tick === null)) { return; } var xLineValue = this.getPixelForValue(null, (1 / (this.ticks.length - 1)) * index, null, false); // xvalues for grid lines var xLabelValue = this.getPixelForValue(null, (1 / (this.ticks.length - 1)) * index, null, true); // x values for ticks (need to consider offsetLabel option) if (this.options.gridLines.show) { if (index === 0) { // Draw the first index specially this.ctx.lineWidth = this.options.gridLines.zeroLineWidth; this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.options.gridLines.zeroLineColor; setContextLineSettings = true; // reset next time } else if (setContextLineSettings) { this.ctx.lineWidth = this.options.gridLines.lineWidth; this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.options.gridLines.color; setContextLineSettings = false; } xLineValue += helpers.aliasPixel(this.ctx.lineWidth); // Draw the tick area this.ctx.beginPath(); if (this.options.gridLines.drawTicks) { this.ctx.moveTo(xLineValue, yTickStart); this.ctx.lineTo(xLineValue, yTickEnd); } // Draw the chart area if (this.options.gridLines.drawOnChartArea) { this.ctx.moveTo(xLineValue, chartArea.top); this.ctx.lineTo(xLineValue, chartArea.bottom); } // Need to stroke in the loop because we are potentially changing line widths & colours this.ctx.stroke(); } if (this.options.labels.show) { this.ctx.save(); this.ctx.translate(xLabelValue, (isRotated) ? this.top + 12 : this.top + 8); this.ctx.rotate(helpers.toRadians(this.labelRotation) * -1); this.ctx.font = this.font; this.ctx.textAlign = (isRotated) ? "right" : "center"; this.ctx.textBaseline = (isRotated) ? "middle" : "top"; this.ctx.fillText(tick, 0, 0); this.ctx.restore(); } }, this); } else { // Vertical if (this.options.gridLines.show) {} if (this.options.labels.show) { // Draw the labels } } } } }); Chart.scaleService.registerScaleType("time", TimeScale, defaultConfig); }).call(this);