describe('Deprecations', function() { describe('Version 2.6.0', function() { // describe('Chart.Controller', function() { it('should be defined and an alias of Chart', function() { expect(Chart.Controller).toBeDefined(); expect(Chart.Controller).toBe(Chart); }); it('should be prototype of chart instances', function() { var chart = acquireChart({}); expect(chart.constructor).toBe(Chart.Controller); expect(chart instanceof Chart.Controller).toBeTruthy(); expect(Chart.Controller.prototype.isPrototypeOf(chart)).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('chart.chart', function() { it('should be defined and an alias of chart', function() { var chart = acquireChart({}); var proxy = chart.chart; expect(proxy).toBeDefined(); expect(proxy).toBe(chart); }); it('should defined previously existing properties', function() { var chart = acquireChart({}, { canvas: { style: 'width: 140px; height: 320px' } }); var proxy = chart.chart; expect(proxy.config instanceof Object).toBeTruthy(); expect(proxy.controller instanceof Chart.Controller).toBeTruthy(); expect(proxy.canvas instanceof HTMLCanvasElement).toBeTruthy(); expect(proxy.ctx instanceof CanvasRenderingContext2D).toBeTruthy(); expect(proxy.currentDevicePixelRatio).toBe(window.devicePixelRatio || 1); expect(proxy.aspectRatio).toBe(140/320); expect(proxy.height).toBe(320); expect(proxy.width).toBe(140); }); }); describe('Chart.Animation.animationObject', function() { it('should be defined and an alias of Chart.Animation', function(done) { var animation = null; acquireChart({ options: { animation: { duration: 50, onComplete: function(arg) { animation = arg; } } } }); setTimeout(function() { expect(animation).not.toBeNull(); expect(animation.animationObject).toBeDefined(); expect(animation.animationObject).toBe(animation); done(); }, 200); }); }); describe('Chart.Animation.chartInstance', function() { it('should be defined and an alias of Chart.Animation.chart', function(done) { var animation = null; var chart = acquireChart({ options: { animation: { duration: 50, onComplete: function(arg) { animation = arg; } } } }); setTimeout(function() { expect(animation).not.toBeNull(); expect(animation.chartInstance).toBeDefined(); expect(animation.chartInstance).toBe(chart); done(); }, 200); }); }); }); describe('Version 2.5.0', function() { describe('Chart.PluginBase', function() { it('should exist and extendable', function() { expect(Chart.PluginBase).toBeDefined(); expect(Chart.PluginBase.extend).toBeDefined(); }); }); describe('IPlugin.afterScaleUpdate', function() { it('should be called after the chart as been layed out', function() { var sequence = []; var plugin = {}; var hooks = [ 'beforeLayout', 'afterScaleUpdate', 'afterLayout' ]; var override = Chart.layoutService.update; Chart.layoutService.update = function() { sequence.push('layoutUpdate'); override.apply(this, arguments); }; hooks.forEach(function(name) { plugin[name] = function() { sequence.push(name); }; }); window.acquireChart({plugins: [plugin]}); expect(sequence).toEqual([].concat( 'beforeLayout', 'layoutUpdate', 'afterScaleUpdate', 'afterLayout' )); }); }); }); describe('Version 2.1.5', function() { // describe('Chart.pluginService', function() { it('should be defined and an alias of Chart.plugins', function() { expect(Chart.pluginService).toBeDefined(); expect(Chart.pluginService).toBe(Chart.plugins); }); }); }); });