"use strict"; module.exports = function(Chart) { var helpers = Chart.helpers; Chart.defaults.global.title = { display: false, position: 'top', fullWidth: true, // marks that this box should take the full width of the canvas (pushing down other boxes) fontStyle: 'bold', padding: 10, // actual title text: '' }; var noop = helpers.noop; Chart.Title = Chart.Element.extend({ initialize: function(config) { helpers.extend(this, config); this.options = helpers.configMerge(Chart.defaults.global.title, config.options); // Contains hit boxes for each dataset (in dataset order) this.legendHitBoxes = []; }, // These methods are ordered by lifecyle. Utilities then follow. beforeUpdate: noop, update: function(maxWidth, maxHeight, margins) { // Update Lifecycle - Probably don't want to ever extend or overwrite this function ;) this.beforeUpdate(); // Absorb the master measurements this.maxWidth = maxWidth; this.maxHeight = maxHeight; this.margins = margins; // Dimensions this.beforeSetDimensions(); this.setDimensions(); this.afterSetDimensions(); // Labels this.beforeBuildLabels(); this.buildLabels(); this.afterBuildLabels(); // Fit this.beforeFit(); this.fit(); this.afterFit(); // this.afterUpdate(); return this.minSize; }, afterUpdate: noop, // beforeSetDimensions: noop, setDimensions: function() { // Set the unconstrained dimension before label rotation if (this.isHorizontal()) { // Reset position before calculating rotation this.width = this.maxWidth; this.left = 0; this.right = this.width; } else { this.height = this.maxHeight; // Reset position before calculating rotation this.top = 0; this.bottom = this.height; } // Reset padding this.paddingLeft = 0; this.paddingTop = 0; this.paddingRight = 0; this.paddingBottom = 0; // Reset minSize this.minSize = { width: 0, height: 0 }; }, afterSetDimensions: noop, // beforeBuildLabels: noop, buildLabels: noop, afterBuildLabels: noop, // beforeFit: noop, fit: function() { var ctx = this.ctx, valueOrDefault = helpers.getValueOrDefault, opts = this.options, globalDefaults = Chart.defaults.global, display = opts.display, fontSize = valueOrDefault(opts.fontSize, globalDefaults.defaultFontSize), minSize = this.minSize; if (this.isHorizontal()) { minSize.width = this.maxWidth; // fill all the width minSize.height = display ? fontSize + (opts.padding * 2) : 0; } else { minSize.width = display ? fontSize + (opts.padding * 2) : 0; minSize.height = this.maxHeight; // fill all the height } this.width = minSize.width; this.height = minSize.height; }, afterFit: noop, // Shared Methods isHorizontal: function() { var pos = this.options.position; return pos === "top" || pos === "bottom"; }, // Actualy draw the title block on the canvas draw: function() { var ctx = this.ctx, valueOrDefault = helpers.getValueOrDefault, opts = this.options, globalDefaults = Chart.defaults.global; if (opts.display) { var fontSize = valueOrDefault(opts.fontSize, globalDefaults.defaultFontSize), fontStyle = valueOrDefault(opts.fontStyle, globalDefaults.defaultFontStyle), fontFamily = valueOrDefault(opts.fontFamily, globalDefaults.defaultFontFamily), titleFont = helpers.fontString(fontSize, fontStyle, fontFamily), rotation = 0, titleX, titleY; ctx.fillStyle = valueOrDefault(opts.fontColor, globalDefaults.defaultFontColor); // render in correct colour ctx.font = titleFont; // Horizontal if (this.isHorizontal()) { titleX = this.left + ((this.right - this.left) / 2); // midpoint of the width titleY = this.top + ((this.bottom - this.top) / 2); // midpoint of the height } else { titleX = opts.position === 'left' ? this.left + (fontSize / 2) : this.right - (fontSize / 2); titleY = this.top + ((this.bottom - this.top) / 2); rotation = Math.PI * (opts.position === 'left' ? -0.5 : 0.5); } ctx.save(); ctx.translate(titleX, titleY); ctx.rotate(rotation); ctx.textAlign = 'center'; ctx.textBaseline = 'middle'; ctx.fillText(opts.text, 0, 0); ctx.restore(); } } }); };