"use strict"; module.exports = function(Chart) { var helpers = Chart.helpers Chart.defaults.global.elements.line = { tension: 0.4, backgroundColor: Chart.defaults.global.defaultColor, borderWidth: 3, borderColor: Chart.defaults.global.defaultColor, borderCapStyle: 'butt', borderDash: [], borderDashOffset: 0.0, borderJoinStyle: 'miter', fill: true, // do we fill in the area between the line and its base axis }; Chart.elements.Line = Chart.Element.extend({ lineToNextPoint: function(previousPoint, point, nextPoint, skipHandler, previousSkipHandler) { var ctx = this._chart.ctx; if (point._view.skip) { skipHandler.call(this, previousPoint, point, nextPoint); } else if (previousPoint._view.skip) { previousSkipHandler.call(this, previousPoint, point, nextPoint); } else if (point._view.tension === 0) { ctx.lineTo(point._view.x, point._view.y); } else { // Line between points ctx.bezierCurveTo( previousPoint._view.controlPointNextX, previousPoint._view.controlPointNextY, point._view.controlPointPreviousX, point._view.controlPointPreviousY, point._view.x, point._view.y ); } }, draw: function() { var _this = this; var vm = this._view; var ctx = this._chart.ctx; var first = this._children[0]; var last = this._children[this._children.length - 1]; function loopBackToStart(drawLineToCenter) { if (!first._view.skip && !last._view.skip) { // Draw a bezier line from last to first ctx.bezierCurveTo( last._view.controlPointNextX, last._view.controlPointNextY, first._view.controlPointPreviousX, first._view.controlPointPreviousY, first._view.x, first._view.y ); } else if (drawLineToCenter) { // Go to center ctx.lineTo(_this._view.scaleZero.x, _this._view.scaleZero.y); } } ctx.save(); // If we had points and want to fill this line, do so. if (this._children.length > 0 && vm.fill) { // Draw the background first (so the border is always on top) ctx.beginPath(); helpers.each(this._children, function(point, index) { var previous = helpers.previousItem(this._children, index); var next = helpers.nextItem(this._children, index); // First point moves to it's starting position no matter what if (index === 0) { if (this._loop) { ctx.moveTo(vm.scaleZero.x, vm.scaleZero.y); } else { ctx.moveTo(point._view.x, vm.scaleZero); } if (point._view.skip) { if (!this._loop) { ctx.moveTo(next._view.x, this._view.scaleZero); } } else { ctx.lineTo(point._view.x, point._view.y); } } else { this.lineToNextPoint(previous, point, next, function(previousPoint, point, nextPoint) { if (this._loop) { // Go to center ctx.lineTo(this._view.scaleZero.x, this._view.scaleZero.y); } else { ctx.lineTo(previousPoint._view.x, this._view.scaleZero); ctx.moveTo(nextPoint._view.x, this._view.scaleZero); } }, function(previousPoint, point) { // If we skipped the last point, draw a line to ourselves so that the fill is nice ctx.lineTo(point._view.x, point._view.y); }); } }, this); // For radial scales, loop back around to the first point if (this._loop) { loopBackToStart(true); } else { //Round off the line by going to the base of the chart, back to the start, then fill. ctx.lineTo(this._children[this._children.length - 1]._view.x, vm.scaleZero); ctx.lineTo(this._children[0]._view.x, vm.scaleZero); } ctx.fillStyle = vm.backgroundColor || Chart.defaults.global.defaultColor; ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); } // Now draw the line between all the points with any borders ctx.lineCap = vm.borderCapStyle || Chart.defaults.global.elements.line.borderCapStyle; // IE 9 and 10 do not support line dash if (ctx.setLineDash) { ctx.setLineDash(vm.borderDash || Chart.defaults.global.elements.line.borderDash); } ctx.lineDashOffset = vm.borderDashOffset || Chart.defaults.global.elements.line.borderDashOffset; ctx.lineJoin = vm.borderJoinStyle || Chart.defaults.global.elements.line.borderJoinStyle; ctx.lineWidth = vm.borderWidth || Chart.defaults.global.elements.line.borderWidth; ctx.strokeStyle = vm.borderColor || Chart.defaults.global.defaultColor; ctx.beginPath(); helpers.each(this._children, function(point, index) { var previous = helpers.previousItem(this._children, index); var next = helpers.nextItem(this._children, index); if (index === 0) { ctx.moveTo(point._view.x, point._view.y); } else { this.lineToNextPoint(previous, point, next, function(previousPoint, point, nextPoint) { ctx.moveTo(nextPoint._view.x, nextPoint._view.y); }, function(previousPoint, point) { // If we skipped the last point, move up to our point preventing a line from being drawn ctx.moveTo(point._view.x, point._view.y); }); } }, this); if (this._loop && this._children.length > 0) { loopBackToStart(); } ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); }, }); };