# Integration Chart.js can be integrated with plain JavaScript or with different module loaders. The examples below show how to load Chart.js in different systems. ## Script Tag ```html ``` ## Common JS ```javascript var Chart = require('chart.js'); var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {...}); ``` ## Bundlers (Webpack, Rollup, etc.) ```javascript import Chart from 'chart.js'; var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {...}); ``` ## Require JS **Important:** RequireJS [can **not** load CommonJS module as is](https://requirejs.org/docs/commonjs.html#intro), so be sure to require one of the UMD builds instead (i.e. `dist/Chart.js`, `dist/Chart.min.js`, etc.). ```javascript require(['path/to/chartjs/dist/Chart.min.js'], function(Chart){ var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {...}); }); ``` **Note:** in order to use the time scale, you need to make sure [one of the available date adapters](https://github.com/chartjs/awesome#adapters) and corresponding date library are fully loaded **after** requiring Chart.js. For this you can use nested requires: ```javascript require(['chartjs'], function(Chart) { require(['moment'], function() { require(['chartjs-adapter-moment'], function() { new Chart(ctx, {...}); }); }); }); ```