const {toLineHeight, toPadding, toFont, resolve, toTRBLCorners} = Chart.helpers; describe('Chart.helpers.options', function() { describe('toLineHeight', function() { it ('should support keyword values', function() { expect(toLineHeight('normal', 16)).toBe(16 * 1.2); }); it ('should support unitless values', function() { expect(toLineHeight(1.4, 16)).toBe(16 * 1.4); expect(toLineHeight('1.4', 16)).toBe(16 * 1.4); }); it ('should support length values', function() { expect(toLineHeight('42px', 16)).toBe(42); expect(toLineHeight('1.4em', 16)).toBe(16 * 1.4); }); it ('should support percentage values', function() { expect(toLineHeight('140%', 16)).toBe(16 * 1.4); }); it ('should fallback to default (1.2) for invalid values', function() { expect(toLineHeight(null, 16)).toBe(16 * 1.2); expect(toLineHeight(undefined, 16)).toBe(16 * 1.2); expect(toLineHeight('foobar', 16)).toBe(16 * 1.2); }); }); describe('toTRBLCorners', function() { it('should support number values', function() { expect(toTRBLCorners(4)).toEqual( {topLeft: 4, topRight: 4, bottomLeft: 4, bottomRight: 4}); expect(toTRBLCorners(4.5)).toEqual( {topLeft: 4.5, topRight: 4.5, bottomLeft: 4.5, bottomRight: 4.5}); }); it('should support string values', function() { expect(toTRBLCorners('4')).toEqual( {topLeft: 4, topRight: 4, bottomLeft: 4, bottomRight: 4}); expect(toTRBLCorners('4.5')).toEqual( {topLeft: 4.5, topRight: 4.5, bottomLeft: 4.5, bottomRight: 4.5}); }); it('should support object values', function() { expect(toTRBLCorners({topLeft: 1, topRight: 2, bottomLeft: 3, bottomRight: 4})).toEqual( {topLeft: 1, topRight: 2, bottomLeft: 3, bottomRight: 4}); expect(toTRBLCorners({topLeft: 1.5, topRight: 2.5, bottomLeft: 3.5, bottomRight: 4.5})).toEqual( {topLeft: 1.5, topRight: 2.5, bottomLeft: 3.5, bottomRight: 4.5}); expect(toTRBLCorners({topLeft: '1', topRight: '2', bottomLeft: '3', bottomRight: '4'})).toEqual( {topLeft: 1, topRight: 2, bottomLeft: 3, bottomRight: 4}); }); it('should fallback to 0 for invalid values', function() { expect(toTRBLCorners({topLeft: 'foo', topRight: 'foo', bottomLeft: 'foo', bottomRight: 'foo'})).toEqual( {topLeft: 0, topRight: 0, bottomLeft: 0, bottomRight: 0}); expect(toTRBLCorners({topLeft: null, topRight: null, bottomLeft: null, bottomRight: null})).toEqual( {topLeft: 0, topRight: 0, bottomLeft: 0, bottomRight: 0}); expect(toTRBLCorners({})).toEqual( {topLeft: 0, topRight: 0, bottomLeft: 0, bottomRight: 0}); expect(toTRBLCorners('foo')).toEqual( {topLeft: 0, topRight: 0, bottomLeft: 0, bottomRight: 0}); expect(toTRBLCorners(null)).toEqual( {topLeft: 0, topRight: 0, bottomLeft: 0, bottomRight: 0}); expect(toTRBLCorners(undefined)).toEqual( {topLeft: 0, topRight: 0, bottomLeft: 0, bottomRight: 0}); }); }); describe('toPadding', function() { it ('should support number values', function() { expect(toPadding(4)).toEqual( {top: 4, right: 4, bottom: 4, left: 4, height: 8, width: 8}); expect(toPadding(4.5)).toEqual( {top: 4.5, right: 4.5, bottom: 4.5, left: 4.5, height: 9, width: 9}); }); it ('should support string values', function() { expect(toPadding('4')).toEqual( {top: 4, right: 4, bottom: 4, left: 4, height: 8, width: 8}); expect(toPadding('4.5')).toEqual( {top: 4.5, right: 4.5, bottom: 4.5, left: 4.5, height: 9, width: 9}); }); it ('should support object values', function() { expect(toPadding({top: 1, right: 2, bottom: 3, left: 4})).toEqual( {top: 1, right: 2, bottom: 3, left: 4, height: 4, width: 6}); expect(toPadding({top: 1.5, right: 2.5, bottom: 3.5, left: 4.5})).toEqual( {top: 1.5, right: 2.5, bottom: 3.5, left: 4.5, height: 5, width: 7}); expect(toPadding({top: '1', right: '2', bottom: '3', left: '4'})).toEqual( {top: 1, right: 2, bottom: 3, left: 4, height: 4, width: 6}); }); it ('should fallback to 0 for invalid values', function() { expect(toPadding({top: 'foo', right: 'foo', bottom: 'foo', left: 'foo'})).toEqual( {top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, height: 0, width: 0}); expect(toPadding({top: null, right: null, bottom: null, left: null})).toEqual( {top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, height: 0, width: 0}); expect(toPadding({})).toEqual( {top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, height: 0, width: 0}); expect(toPadding('foo')).toEqual( {top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, height: 0, width: 0}); expect(toPadding(null)).toEqual( {top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, height: 0, width: 0}); expect(toPadding(undefined)).toEqual( {top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, height: 0, width: 0}); }); it('should support x / y shorthands', function() { expect(toPadding({x: 1, y: 2})).toEqual( {top: 2, right: 1, bottom: 2, left: 1, height: 4, width: 2}); expect(toPadding({x: 1, left: 0})).toEqual( {top: 0, right: 1, bottom: 0, left: 0, height: 0, width: 1}); expect(toPadding({y: 5, bottom: 0})).toEqual( {top: 5, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, height: 5, width: 0}); }); }); describe('toFont', function() { it('should return a font with default values', function() { const defaultFont = Object.assign({}, Chart.defaults.font); Object.assign(Chart.defaults.font, { family: 'foobar', size: 42, style: 'oblique 9deg', lineHeight: 1.5 }); expect(toFont({})).toEqual({ family: 'foobar', lineHeight: 63, size: 42, string: 'oblique 9deg 42px foobar', style: 'oblique 9deg', weight: null }); Object.assign(Chart.defaults.font, defaultFont); }); it ('should return a font with given values', function() { expect(toFont({ family: 'bla', lineHeight: 8, size: 21, style: 'oblique -90deg' })).toEqual({ family: 'bla', lineHeight: 8 * 21, size: 21, string: 'oblique -90deg 21px bla', style: 'oblique -90deg', weight: null }); }); it ('should handle a string font size', function() { expect(toFont({ family: 'bla', lineHeight: 8, size: '21', style: 'italic' })).toEqual({ family: 'bla', lineHeight: 8 * 21, size: 21, string: 'italic 21px bla', style: 'italic', weight: null }); }); it('should return null as a font string if size or family are missing', function() { const fontFamily =; const fontSize = Chart.defaults.font.size; delete; delete Chart.defaults.font.size; expect(toFont({ style: 'italic', size: 12 }).string).toBeNull(); expect(toFont({ style: 'italic', family: 'serif' }).string).toBeNull(); = fontFamily; Chart.defaults.font.size = fontSize; }); it(' should be optional for font strings', function() { const fontStyle =; delete; expect(toFont({ size: 12, family: 'serif' }).string).toBe('12px serif'); = fontStyle; }); }); describe('resolve', function() { it ('should fallback to the first defined input', function() { expect(resolve([42])).toBe(42); expect(resolve([42, 'foo'])).toBe(42); expect(resolve([undefined, 42, 'foo'])).toBe(42); expect(resolve([42, 'foo', undefined])).toBe(42); expect(resolve([undefined])).toBe(undefined); }); it ('should correctly handle empty values (null, 0, "")', function() { expect(resolve([0, 'foo'])).toBe(0); expect(resolve(['', 'foo'])).toBe(''); expect(resolve([null, 'foo'])).toBe(null); }); it ('should support indexable options if index is provided', function() { var input = [42, 'foo', 'bar']; expect(resolve([input], undefined, 0)).toBe(42); expect(resolve([input], undefined, 1)).toBe('foo'); expect(resolve([input], undefined, 2)).toBe('bar'); }); it ('should fallback if an indexable option value is undefined', function() { var input = [42, undefined, 'bar']; expect(resolve([input], undefined, 1)).toBe(undefined); expect(resolve([input, 'foo'], undefined, 1)).toBe('foo'); }); it ('should loop if an indexable option index is out of bounds', function() { var input = [42, undefined, 'bar']; expect(resolve([input], undefined, 3)).toBe(42); expect(resolve([input, 'foo'], undefined, 4)).toBe('foo'); expect(resolve([input, 'foo'], undefined, 5)).toBe('bar'); }); it ('should not handle indexable options if index is undefined', function() { var array = [42, 'foo', 'bar']; expect(resolve([array])).toBe(array); expect(resolve([array], undefined, undefined)).toBe(array); }); it ('should support scriptable options if context is provided', function() { var input = function(context) { return context.v * 2; }; expect(resolve([42], {v: 42})).toBe(42); expect(resolve([input], {v: 42})).toBe(84); }); it ('should fallback if a scriptable option returns undefined', function() { var input = function() {}; expect(resolve([input], {v: 42})).toBe(undefined); expect(resolve([input, 'foo'], {v: 42})).toBe('foo'); expect(resolve([input, undefined, 'foo'], {v: 42})).toBe('foo'); }); it ('should not handle scriptable options if context is undefined', function() { var input = function(context) { return context.v * 2; }; expect(resolve([input])).toBe(input); expect(resolve([input], undefined)).toBe(input); }); it ('should handle scriptable and indexable option', function() { var input = function(context) { return [context.v, undefined, 'bar']; }; expect(resolve([input, 'foo'], {v: 42}, 0)).toBe(42); expect(resolve([input, 'foo'], {v: 42}, 1)).toBe('foo'); expect(resolve([input, 'foo'], {v: 42}, 5)).toBe('bar'); expect(resolve([input, ['foo', 'bar']], {v: 42}, 1)).toBe('bar'); }); }); });