"use strict"; module.exports = function(Chart) { var helpers = Chart.helpers; Chart.defaults.global.tooltips = { enabled: true, custom: null, mode: 'single', backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.8)", titleFontFamily: Chart.defaults.global.defaultFontFamily, titleFontSize: Chart.defaults.global.defaultFontSize, titleFontStyle: "bold", titleSpacing: 2, titleMarginBottom: 6, titleColor: "#fff", titleAlign: "left", bodyFontFamily: Chart.defaults.global.defaultFontFamily, bodyFontSize: Chart.defaults.global.defaultFontSize, bodyFontStyle: Chart.defaults.global.defaultFontStyle, bodySpacing: 2, bodyColor: "#fff", bodyAlign: "left", footerFontFamily: Chart.defaults.global.defaultFontFamily, footerFontSize: Chart.defaults.global.defaultFontSize, footerFontStyle: "bold", footerSpacing: 2, footerMarginTop: 6, footerColor: "#fff", footerAlign: "left", yPadding: 6, xPadding: 6, caretSize: 5, cornerRadius: 6, multiKeyBackground: '#fff', callbacks: { // Args are: (tooltipItems, data) beforeTitle: helpers.noop, title: function(tooltipItems, data) { // Pick first xLabel for now var title = ''; if (tooltipItems.length > 0) { if (tooltipItems[0].xLabel) { title = tooltipItems[0].xLabel; } else if (data.labels.length > 0 && tooltipItems[0].index < data.labels.length) { title = data.labels[tooltipItems[0].index]; } } return title; }, afterTitle: helpers.noop, // Args are: (tooltipItems, data) beforeBody: helpers.noop, // Args are: (tooltipItem, data) beforeLabel: helpers.noop, label: function(tooltipItem, data) { var datasetLabel = data.datasets[tooltipItem.datasetIndex].label || ''; return datasetLabel + ': ' + tooltipItem.yLabel; }, afterLabel: helpers.noop, // Args are: (tooltipItems, data) afterBody: helpers.noop, // Args are: (tooltipItems, data) beforeFooter: helpers.noop, footer: helpers.noop, afterFooter: helpers.noop } }; // Helper to push or concat based on if the 2nd parameter is an array or not function pushOrConcat(base, toPush) { if (toPush) { if (helpers.isArray(toPush)) { base = base.concat(toPush); } else { base.push(toPush); } } return base; } Chart.Tooltip = Chart.Element.extend({ initialize: function() { var options = this._options; helpers.extend(this, { _model: { // Positioning xPadding: options.tooltips.xPadding, yPadding: options.tooltips.yPadding, // Body bodyColor: options.tooltips.bodyColor, _bodyFontFamily: options.tooltips.bodyFontFamily, _bodyFontStyle: options.tooltips.bodyFontStyle, _bodyAlign: options.tooltips.bodyAlign, bodyFontSize: options.tooltips.bodyFontSize, bodySpacing: options.tooltips.bodySpacing, // Title titleColor: options.tooltips.titleColor, _titleFontFamily: options.tooltips.titleFontFamily, _titleFontStyle: options.tooltips.titleFontStyle, titleFontSize: options.tooltips.titleFontSize, _titleAlign: options.tooltips.titleAlign, titleSpacing: options.tooltips.titleSpacing, titleMarginBottom: options.tooltips.titleMarginBottom, // Footer footerColor: options.tooltips.footerColor, _footerFontFamily: options.tooltips.footerFontFamily, _footerFontStyle: options.tooltips.footerFontStyle, footerFontSize: options.tooltips.footerFontSize, _footerAlign: options.tooltips.footerAlign, footerSpacing: options.tooltips.footerSpacing, footerMarginTop: options.tooltips.footerMarginTop, // Appearance caretSize: options.tooltips.caretSize, cornerRadius: options.tooltips.cornerRadius, backgroundColor: options.tooltips.backgroundColor, opacity: 0, legendColorBackground: options.tooltips.multiKeyBackground } }); }, // Get the title // Args are: (tooltipItem, data) getTitle: function() { var beforeTitle = this._options.tooltips.callbacks.beforeTitle.apply(this, arguments), title = this._options.tooltips.callbacks.title.apply(this, arguments), afterTitle = this._options.tooltips.callbacks.afterTitle.apply(this, arguments); var lines = []; lines = pushOrConcat(lines, beforeTitle); lines = pushOrConcat(lines, title); lines = pushOrConcat(lines, afterTitle); return lines; }, // Args are: (tooltipItem, data) getBeforeBody: function() { var lines = this._options.tooltips.callbacks.beforeBody.apply(this, arguments); return helpers.isArray(lines) ? lines : lines !== undefined ? [lines] : []; }, // Args are: (tooltipItem, data) getBody: function(tooltipItems, data) { var lines = []; helpers.each(tooltipItems, function(bodyItem) { helpers.pushAllIfDefined(this._options.tooltips.callbacks.beforeLabel.call(this, bodyItem, data), lines); helpers.pushAllIfDefined(this._options.tooltips.callbacks.label.call(this, bodyItem, data), lines); helpers.pushAllIfDefined(this._options.tooltips.callbacks.afterLabel.call(this, bodyItem, data), lines); }, this); return lines; }, // Args are: (tooltipItem, data) getAfterBody: function() { var lines = this._options.tooltips.callbacks.afterBody.apply(this, arguments); return helpers.isArray(lines) ? lines : lines !== undefined ? [lines] : []; }, // Get the footer and beforeFooter and afterFooter lines // Args are: (tooltipItem, data) getFooter: function() { var beforeFooter = this._options.tooltips.callbacks.beforeFooter.apply(this, arguments); var footer = this._options.tooltips.callbacks.footer.apply(this, arguments); var afterFooter = this._options.tooltips.callbacks.afterFooter.apply(this, arguments); var lines = []; lines = pushOrConcat(lines, beforeFooter); lines = pushOrConcat(lines, footer); lines = pushOrConcat(lines, afterFooter); return lines; }, getAveragePosition: function(elements) { if (!elements.length) { return false; } var xPositions = []; var yPositions = []; helpers.each(elements, function(el) { if (el) { var pos = el.tooltipPosition(); xPositions.push(pos.x); yPositions.push(pos.y); } }); var x = 0, y = 0; for (var i = 0; i < xPositions.length; i++) { x += xPositions[i]; y += yPositions[i]; } return { x: Math.round(x / xPositions.length), y: Math.round(y / xPositions.length) }; }, update: function(changed) { if (this._active.length) { this._model.opacity = 1; var element = this._active[0], labelColors = [], tooltipPosition; var tooltipItems = []; if (this._options.tooltips.mode === 'single') { var yScale = element._yScale || element._scale; // handle radar || polarArea charts tooltipItems.push({ xLabel: element._xScale ? element._xScale.getLabelForIndex(element._index, element._datasetIndex) : '', yLabel: yScale ? yScale.getLabelForIndex(element._index, element._datasetIndex) : '', index: element._index, datasetIndex: element._datasetIndex }); tooltipPosition = this.getAveragePosition(this._active); } else { helpers.each(this._data.datasets, function(dataset, datasetIndex) { if (!helpers.isDatasetVisible(dataset)) { return; } var currentElement = dataset.metaData[element._index]; if (currentElement) { var yScale = element._yScale || element._scale; // handle radar || polarArea charts tooltipItems.push({ xLabel: currentElement._xScale ? currentElement._xScale.getLabelForIndex(currentElement._index, currentElement._datasetIndex) : '', yLabel: yScale ? yScale.getLabelForIndex(currentElement._index, currentElement._datasetIndex) : '', index: element._index, datasetIndex: datasetIndex }); } }); helpers.each(this._active, function(active) { if (active) { labelColors.push({ borderColor: active._view.borderColor, backgroundColor: active._view.backgroundColor }); } }); tooltipPosition = this.getAveragePosition(this._active); tooltipPosition.y = this._active[0]._yScale.getPixelForDecimal(0.5); } // Build the Text Lines helpers.extend(this._model, { title: this.getTitle(tooltipItems, this._data), beforeBody: this.getBeforeBody(tooltipItems, this._data), body: this.getBody(tooltipItems, this._data), afterBody: this.getAfterBody(tooltipItems, this._data), footer: this.getFooter(tooltipItems, this._data) }); helpers.extend(this._model, { x: Math.round(tooltipPosition.x), y: Math.round(tooltipPosition.y), caretPadding: helpers.getValueOrDefault(tooltipPosition.padding, 2), labelColors: labelColors }); // We need to determine alignment of var tooltipSize = this.getTooltipSize(this._model); this.determineAlignment(tooltipSize); // Smart Tooltip placement to stay on the canvas helpers.extend(this._model, this.getBackgroundPoint(this._model, tooltipSize)); } else { this._model.opacity = 0; } if (changed && this._options.tooltips.custom) { this._options.tooltips.custom.call(this, this._model); } return this; }, getTooltipSize: function getTooltipSize(vm) { var ctx = this._chart.ctx; var size = { height: vm.yPadding * 2, // Tooltip Padding width: 0 }; var combinedBodyLength = vm.body.length + vm.beforeBody.length + vm.afterBody.length; size.height += vm.title.length * vm.titleFontSize; // Title Lines size.height += (vm.title.length - 1) * vm.titleSpacing; // Title Line Spacing size.height += vm.title.length ? vm.titleMarginBottom : 0; // Title's bottom Margin size.height += combinedBodyLength * vm.bodyFontSize; // Body Lines size.height += combinedBodyLength ? (combinedBodyLength - 1) * vm.bodySpacing : 0; // Body Line Spacing size.height += vm.footer.length ? vm.footerMarginTop : 0; // Footer Margin size.height += vm.footer.length * (vm.footerFontSize); // Footer Lines size.height += vm.footer.length ? (vm.footer.length - 1) * vm.footerSpacing : 0; // Footer Line Spacing // Width ctx.font = helpers.fontString(vm.titleFontSize, vm._titleFontStyle, vm._titleFontFamily); helpers.each(vm.title, function(line) { size.width = Math.max(size.width, ctx.measureText(line).width); }); ctx.font = helpers.fontString(vm.bodyFontSize, vm._bodyFontStyle, vm._bodyFontFamily); helpers.each(vm.beforeBody.concat(vm.afterBody), function(line) { size.width = Math.max(size.width, ctx.measureText(line).width); }); helpers.each(vm.body, function(line) { size.width = Math.max(size.width, ctx.measureText(line).width + (this._options.tooltips.mode !== 'single' ? (vm.bodyFontSize + 2) : 0)); }, this); ctx.font = helpers.fontString(vm.footerFontSize, vm._footerFontStyle, vm._footerFontFamily); helpers.each(vm.footer, function(line) { size.width = Math.max(size.width, ctx.measureText(line).width); }); size.width += 2 * vm.xPadding; return size; }, determineAlignment: function determineAlignment(size) { this._model.xAlign = this._model.yAlign = "center"; if (this._model.y < size.height) { this._model.yAlign = 'top'; } else if (this._model.y > (this._chart.height - size.height)) { this._model.yAlign = 'bottom'; } var lf, rf; // functions to determine left, right alignment var olf, orf; // functions to determine if left/right alignment causes tooltip to go outside chart var yf; // function to get the y alignment if the tooltip goes outside of the left or right edges var _this = this; var midX = (this._chartInstance.chartArea.left + this._chartInstance.chartArea.right) / 2; var midY = (this._chartInstance.chartArea.top + this._chartInstance.chartArea.bottom) / 2; if (this._model.yAlign === 'center') { lf = function(x) { return x <= midX; }; rf = function(x) { return x > midX; }; } else { lf = function(x) { return x <= (size.width / 2); }; rf = function(x) { return x >= (_this._chart.width - (size.width / 2)); }; } olf = function(x) { return x + size.width > _this._chart.width; }; orf = function(x) { return x - size.width < 0; }; yf = function(y) { return y <= midY ? 'top' : 'bottom'; }; if (lf(this._model.x)) { this._model.xAlign = 'left'; // Is tooltip too wide and goes over the right side of the chart.? if (olf(this._model.x)) { this._model.xAlign = 'center'; this._model.yAlign = yf(this._model.y); } } else if (rf(this._model.x)) { this._model.xAlign = 'right'; // Is tooltip too wide and goes outside left edge of canvas? if (orf(this._model.x)) { this._model.xAlign = 'center'; this._model.yAlign = yf(this._model.y); } } }, getBackgroundPoint: function getBackgroundPoint(vm, size) { // Background Position var pt = { x: vm.x, y: vm.y }; if (vm.xAlign === 'right') { pt.x -= size.width; } else if (vm.xAlign === 'center') { pt.x -= (size.width / 2); } if (vm.yAlign === 'top') { pt.y += vm.caretPadding + vm.caretSize; } else if (vm.yAlign === 'bottom') { pt.y -= size.height + vm.caretPadding + vm.caretSize; } else { pt.y -= (size.height / 2); } if (vm.yAlign === 'center') { if (vm.xAlign === 'left') { pt.x += vm.caretPadding + vm.caretSize; } else if (vm.xAlign === 'right') { pt.x -= vm.caretPadding + vm.caretSize; } } else { if (vm.xAlign === 'left') { pt.x -= vm.cornerRadius + vm.caretPadding; } else if (vm.xAlign === 'right') { pt.x += vm.cornerRadius + vm.caretPadding; } } return pt; }, drawCaret: function drawCaret(tooltipPoint, size, opacity, caretPadding) { var vm = this._view; var ctx = this._chart.ctx; var x1, x2, x3; var y1, y2, y3; if (vm.yAlign === 'center') { // Left or right side if (vm.xAlign === 'left') { x1 = tooltipPoint.x; x2 = x1 - vm.caretSize; x3 = x1; } else { x1 = tooltipPoint.x + size.width; x2 = x1 + vm.caretSize; x3 = x1; } y2 = tooltipPoint.y + (size.height / 2); y1 = y2 - vm.caretSize; y3 = y2 + vm.caretSize; } else { if (vm.xAlign === 'left') { x1 = tooltipPoint.x + vm.cornerRadius; x2 = x1 + vm.caretSize; x3 = x2 + vm.caretSize; } else if (vm.xAlign === 'right') { x1 = tooltipPoint.x + size.width - vm.cornerRadius; x2 = x1 - vm.caretSize; x3 = x2 - vm.caretSize; } else { x2 = tooltipPoint.x + (size.width / 2); x1 = x2 - vm.caretSize; x3 = x2 + vm.caretSize; } if (vm.yAlign === 'top') { y1 = tooltipPoint.y; y2 = y1 - vm.caretSize; y3 = y1; } else { y1 = tooltipPoint.y + size.height; y2 = y1 + vm.caretSize; y3 = y1; } } ctx.fillStyle = helpers.color(vm.backgroundColor).alpha(opacity).rgbString(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x1, y1); ctx.lineTo(x2, y2); ctx.lineTo(x3, y3); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); }, drawTitle: function drawTitle(pt, vm, ctx, opacity) { if (vm.title.length) { ctx.textAlign = vm._titleAlign; ctx.textBaseline = "top"; ctx.fillStyle = helpers.color(vm.titleColor).alpha(opacity).rgbString(); ctx.font = helpers.fontString(vm.titleFontSize, vm._titleFontStyle, vm._titleFontFamily); helpers.each(vm.title, function(title, i) { ctx.fillText(title, pt.x, pt.y); pt.y += vm.titleFontSize + vm.titleSpacing; // Line Height and spacing if (i + 1 === vm.title.length) { pt.y += vm.titleMarginBottom - vm.titleSpacing; // If Last, add margin, remove spacing } }); } }, drawBody: function drawBody(pt, vm, ctx, opacity) { ctx.textAlign = vm._bodyAlign; ctx.textBaseline = "top"; ctx.fillStyle = helpers.color(vm.bodyColor).alpha(opacity).rgbString(); ctx.font = helpers.fontString(vm.bodyFontSize, vm._bodyFontStyle, vm._bodyFontFamily); // Before Body helpers.each(vm.beforeBody, function(beforeBody) { ctx.fillText(beforeBody, pt.x, pt.y); pt.y += vm.bodyFontSize + vm.bodySpacing; }); helpers.each(vm.body, function(body, i) { // Draw Legend-like boxes if needed if (this._options.tooltips.mode !== 'single') { // Fill a white rect so that colours merge nicely if the opacity is < 1 ctx.fillStyle = helpers.color(vm.legendColorBackground).alpha(opacity).rgbaString(); ctx.fillRect(pt.x, pt.y, vm.bodyFontSize, vm.bodyFontSize); // Border ctx.strokeStyle = helpers.color(vm.labelColors[i].borderColor).alpha(opacity).rgbaString(); ctx.strokeRect(pt.x, pt.y, vm.bodyFontSize, vm.bodyFontSize); // Inner square ctx.fillStyle = helpers.color(vm.labelColors[i].backgroundColor).alpha(opacity).rgbaString(); ctx.fillRect(pt.x + 1, pt.y + 1, vm.bodyFontSize - 2, vm.bodyFontSize - 2); ctx.fillStyle = helpers.color(vm.bodyColor).alpha(opacity).rgbaString(); // Return fill style for text } // Body Line ctx.fillText(body, pt.x + (this._options.tooltips.mode !== 'single' ? (vm.bodyFontSize + 2) : 0), pt.y); pt.y += vm.bodyFontSize + vm.bodySpacing; }, this); // After Body helpers.each(vm.afterBody, function(afterBody) { ctx.fillText(afterBody, pt.x, pt.y); pt.y += vm.bodyFontSize; }); pt.y -= vm.bodySpacing; // Remove last body spacing }, drawFooter: function drawFooter(pt, vm, ctx, opacity) { if (vm.footer.length) { pt.y += vm.footerMarginTop; ctx.textAlign = vm._footerAlign; ctx.textBaseline = "top"; ctx.fillStyle = helpers.color(vm.footerColor).alpha(opacity).rgbString(); ctx.font = helpers.fontString(vm.footerFontSize, vm._footerFontStyle, vm._footerFontFamily); helpers.each(vm.footer, function(footer) { ctx.fillText(footer, pt.x, pt.y); pt.y += vm.footerFontSize + vm.footerSpacing; }); } }, draw: function draw() { var ctx = this._chart.ctx; var vm = this._view; if (vm.opacity === 0) { return; } var caretPadding = vm.caretPadding; var tooltipSize = this.getTooltipSize(vm); var pt = { x: vm.x, y: vm.y }; // IE11/Edge does not like very small opacities, so snap to 0 var opacity = Math.abs(vm.opacity < 1e-3) ? 0 : vm.opacity; if (this._options.tooltips.enabled) { // Draw Background ctx.fillStyle = helpers.color(vm.backgroundColor).alpha(opacity).rgbString(); helpers.drawRoundedRectangle(ctx, pt.x, pt.y, tooltipSize.width, tooltipSize.height, vm.cornerRadius); ctx.fill(); // Draw Caret this.drawCaret(pt, tooltipSize, opacity, caretPadding); // Draw Title, Body, and Footer pt.x += vm.xPadding; pt.y += vm.yPadding; // Titles this.drawTitle(pt, vm, ctx, opacity); // Body this.drawBody(pt, vm, ctx, opacity); // Footer this.drawFooter(pt, vm, ctx, opacity); } } }); };