Simon Brunel 2a97ec21c5
Migrate from Browserify to rollup (#5904)
Browserify isn't optimal bundling Chart.js because it adds too many internal wrappers, doesn't handle external/global dependencies and doesn't provide a way to generate ESM builds. Therefore, it seems the right choice to switch to rollup, so move all the build process in `rollup.config.js` and make Gulp to execute `rollup -c`.

We also had to switch to Terser instead of UglifyJS because this last one contains a breaking bug. Note that tests now use the exact same rollup config as our builds (the minified one) to ensure that the bundling and minification steps don't break anything. Finally, replace the `gulp watch` task by `gulp build --watch` to be consistent with the other `unittest` and `docs` watching syntax.
2018-12-14 20:20:43 +01:00

109 lines
2.7 KiB

/* eslint-env es6 */
const commonjs = require('rollup-plugin-commonjs');
const istanbul = require('rollup-plugin-istanbul');
const resolve = require('rollup-plugin-node-resolve');
const builds = require('./rollup.config');
module.exports = function(karma) {
const args = karma.args || {};
// Use the same rollup config as our dist files: when debugging (--watch),
// we will prefer the unminified build which is easier to browse and works
// better with source mapping. In other cases, pick the minified build to
// make sure that the minification process (terser) doesn't break anything.
const regex = ? /Chart\.js$/ : /Chart\.min\.js$/;
const build = builds.filter(v => v.output.file.match(regex))[0];
if ( {
build.output.sourcemap = 'inline';
frameworks: ['jasmine'],
reporters: ['progress', 'kjhtml'],
browsers: ['chrome', 'firefox'],
logLevel: karma.LOG_WARN,
// Explicitly disable hardware acceleration to make image
// diff more stable when ran on Travis and dev machine.
customLaunchers: {
chrome: {
base: 'Chrome',
flags: [
firefox: {
base: 'Firefox',
prefs: {
'layers.acceleration.disabled': true
files: [
{pattern: 'test/fixtures/**/*.js', included: false},
{pattern: 'test/fixtures/**/*.json', included: false},
{pattern: 'test/fixtures/**/*.png', included: false},
preprocessors: {
'test/index.js': ['rollup'],
'src/chart.js': ['sources']
rollupPreprocessor: {
plugins: [
output: {
name: 'test',
format: 'umd'
customPreprocessors: {
sources: {
base: 'rollup',
options: build
// These settings deal with browser disconnects. We had seen test flakiness from Firefox
// [Firefox 56.0.0 (Linux 0.0.0)]: Disconnected (1 times), because no message in 10000 ms.
browserDisconnectTolerance: 3
if (process.env.TRAVIS) {'--no-sandbox');
if (args.coverage) {
karma.coverageReporter = {
dir: 'coverage/',
reporters: [
{type: 'html', subdir: 'html'},
{type: 'lcovonly', subdir: '.'}
].forEach(v => {
(v.plugins || (v.plugins = [])).unshift(
include: 'src/**/*.js'