# Dashie Dashie is a simple personal dashboard with themes and multiple pages, generated on the fly from the YAML configuration files. There is no multiuser support right now. A shoutout to Dashy, https://dashy.to/, which Dashie is visually heavily inspired by. ## Screenshots [](https://git.ahall.se/magnus/dashie/raw/branch/main/images/screenshots/dashie_default.png) [](https://git.ahall.se/magnus/dashie/raw/branch/main/images/screenshots/dashie_colorful.png) [](https://git.ahall.se/magnus/dashie/raw/branch/main/images/screenshots/dashie_gruvbox.png) [](https://git.ahall.se/magnus/dashie/raw/branch/main/images/screenshots/dashie_subdued.png) # Installation Copy examples/*.yaml to the web root (or write `start.yaml` from scratch instead), and put everything on a webserver serving the directory statically. # YAML files The YAML configuration files have to be edited by hand right now. In the future dashie is probably going to get a server written in Go, enabling interactive editing and possibly multiuser support. ## Dashboard YAML files Icons use the Material Design Icons library, see https://pictogrammers.com/library/mdi/ for a searchable list of icons. To use the abacus icon, type "abacus" in the icon property of the section items. Version added here was v7.2.96. ```yaml # Pages to be displayed in the header. # Pages doesn't have be defined here, the file can still be accessed # by visiting /?page=filename (without .yaml). # This could be used to create elaborate site hierarchies. pages: - name: start # this has to correspond to the filename.yaml in the web root. label: Home - name: foo # this would be /foo.yaml label: Foo page: theme: default # name of theme when loading the page, corresponding to the same name in /themes.yaml. label: Home # doesn't have to be the same as the name or label in the pages array. sections: - label: Search items: - label: Google url: https://www.google.com icon: google - label: DuckDuckGo description: '"Privacy, simplified."' # The description field is optional. url: https://duckduckgo.com icon: duck - label: Multimedia items: - label: Jellyfin description: The free software media system url: https://jellyfin.org icon: filmstrip - label: Spotify url: https://spotify.com icon: music ``` ## Themes The themes.yaml file in the web root has the following format per theme: ```yaml gruvbox: # Name of theme. page: text: "#bdae93" # Color of the page name. background: "#282828 url('/images/backgrounds/gruvbox.svg')" # background color/image of the page. header: "#504945" # Background color of the header section. footer: # Colors for the footer (The 'Dashie v[x]' line). show: true # Show or hide the footer. text: "#a89984" background: "#504945" page_select: # Colors for the page boxes. text: "#bdae93" background: "#3c3836" theme_select: # Colors for the theme selector. text: "#bdae93" background: "#3c3c36" border: "#665c54" section: background: "#504945" shadow: "10px 10px 15px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)" # These colors will be used in a roundrobin fashion when displaying # sections, if a section is not explicitly using a color index. # The first is the border color, the second is the section label color. borders: - ["#fb4934", "#eee"] - ["#b8bb26", "#333"] - ["#fabd2f", "#333"] - ["#458588", "#eee"] - ["#fe8019", "#333"] - ["#689d6a", "#333"] item: label: # The label can be left blank to receive the same color as the section border. background: "#282828" description: "#d5c4a1" url: "#a89984" icon: # Icon can be left blank, same behaviour as label. hover: brighter # Determines mouse pointer hovering over section background color. #Can be brighter, darker or anything else to disable behaviour. ```