2015-11-29 10:04:46 -05:00

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Getting started getting-started

###Include Chart.js

First we need to include the Chart.js library on the page. The library occupies a global variable of Chart.

<script src="Chart.js"></script>

Alternatively, if you're using an AMD loader for JavaScript modules, that is also supported in the Chart.js core. Please note: the library will still occupy a global variable of Chart, even if it detects define and define.amd. If this is a problem, you can call noConflict to restore the global Chart variable to it's previous owner.

// Using requirejs
require(['path/to/Chartjs'], function(Chart){
	// Use Chart.js as normal here.

	// Chart.noConflict restores the Chart global variable to it's previous owner
	// The function returns what was previously Chart, allowing you to reassign.
	var Chartjs = Chart.noConflict();


You can also grab Chart.js using bower, npm, or CDN:

bower install Chart.js --save
npm install Chart.js --save

###Creating a Chart

To create a chart, we need to instantiate the Chart class. To do this, we need to pass in the node, jQuery instance, or 2d context of the canvas of where we want to draw the chart. Here's an example.

<canvas id="myChart" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
// Any of the following formats may be used
var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart");
var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart").getContext("2d");
var ctx = $("#myChart");

Once you have the element or context, you're ready to instantiate a pre-defined chart-type or create your own!

The following example instantiates a bar chart showing the number of votes for different colors and the y-axis starting at 0.

<canvas id="myChart" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart");
var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
		type: 'bar',
		data: {
			labels: ["Red", "Blue", "Yellow", "Green", "Purple", "Orange"],
			datasets: [{
					label: '# of Votes',
					data: [12, 19, 3, 5, 2, 3]

It's that easy to get started using Chart.js! From here you can explore the many options that can help you customise your charts with scales, tooltips, labels, colors, custom actions, and much more.

###Global chart configuration

This concept was introduced in Chart.js 1.0 to keep configuration DRY, and allow for changing options globally across chart types, avoiding the need to specify options for each instance, or the default for a particular chart type.

Chart.js merges configurations and options in a few places with the global defaults using chart type defaults and scales defaults. This way you can be as specific as you want in your individual chart configs, or change the defaults for Chart.js as a whole.

The global options are defined in

Name Type Default Description
responsive Boolean true Resizes when the canvas container does.
responsiveAnimationDuration Number 0 Duration in milliseconds it takes to animate to new size after a resize event.
maintainAspectRatio Boolean true Maintain the original canvas aspect ratio (width / height) when resizing
events Array[String] ["mousemove", "mouseout", "click", "touchstart", "touchmove", "touchend"] Events that the chart should listen to for tooltips and hovering
hover - - -
hover.onHover Function null Called when any of the events fire. Called in the context of the chart and passed an array of active elements (bars, points, etc)
hover.mode String 'single' Sets which elements hover. Acceptable options are 'single', 'label', or 'dataset'. single highlights the closest element. label highlights elements in all datasets at the same X value. dataset highlights the closest dataset.
hover.animationDuration Number 400 Duration in milliseconds it takes to animate hover style changes
onClick Function null Called if the event is of type 'mouseup' or 'click'. Called in the context of the chart and passed an array of active elements
defaultColor Color 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)'
legendCallback Function function (chart) { // the chart object to generate a legend from. } Function to generate a legend. Default implementation returns an HTML string.

The global options for tooltips are defined in

Name Type Default Description
enabled Boolean true
custom null
mode String 'single' Sets which elements appear in the tooltip. Acceptable options are 'single' or 'label'. single highlights the closest element. label highlights elements in all datasets at the same X value.
backgroundColor Color 'rgba(0,0,0,0.8)' Background color of the tooltip
Label There are three labels you can control. title, body, footer the star (*) represents one of these three. (i.e. titleFontFamily, footerSpacing)
*FontFamily String "'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif"
*FontSize Number 12
*FontStyle String title - "bold", body - "normal", footer - "bold"
*Spacing Number 2
*Color Color "#fff"
*Align String "left" text alignment. See MDN Canvas Documentation
titleMarginBottom Number 6 Margin to add on bottom of title section
footerMarginTop Number 6 Margin to add before drawing the footer
xPadding Number 6 Padding to add on top and bottom of tooltip
yPadding Number 6 Padding to add on left and right of tooltip
caretSize Number 5 Size, in px, of the tooltip arrow
cornerRadius Number 6 Radius of tooltip corner curves
xOffset Number 10
multiKeyBackground Color "#fff"
callbacks - - V2.0 introduces callback functions as a replacement for the template engine in v1. The tooltip has the following callbacks for providing text. For all functions, 'this' will be the tooltip object create from the Chart.Tooltip constructor
Callback Functions All functions are called with the same arguments
xLabel String or Array[Strings] This is the xDataValue for each item to be displayed in the tooltip
yLabel String or Array[Strings] This is the yDataValue for each item to be displayed in the tooltip
index Number Data index.
data Object Data object passed to chart.
return String or Array[Strings] All functions must return either a string or an array of strings. Arrays of strings are treated as multiple lines of text.
callbacks.beforeTitle Function none Text to render before the title
callbacks.title Function function(tooltipItems, data) { //Pick first xLabel } Text to render as the title
callbacks.afterTitle Function none Text to render after the ttiel
callbacks.beforeBody Function none Text to render before the body section
callbacks.beforeLabel Function none Text to render before an individual label
callbacks.label Function function(tooltipItem, data) { // Returns "datasetLabel: tooltipItem.yLabel" } Text to render as label
callbacks.afterLabel Function none Text to render after an individual label
callbacks.afterBody Function none Text to render after the body section
callbacks.beforeFooter Function none Text to render before the footer section
callbacks.footer Function none Text to render as the footer
callbacks.afterFooter Function none Text to render after the footer section

The global options for animations are defined in

Name Type Default Description
duration Number 1000 The number of milliseconds an animation takes.
easing String "easeOutQuart" Easing function to use.
onProgress Function none
onComplete Function none

The global options for elements are defined in

Name Type Default Description
arc - - -
arc.backgroundColor Color Default fill color for arcs
arc.borderColor Color "#fff" Default stroke color for arcs
arc.borderWidth Number 2 Default stroke width for arcs
line - - -
line.tension Number 0.4 Default bezier curve tension. Set to 0 for no bezier curves.
line.backgroundColor Color Default line fill color
line.borderWidth Number 3 Default line stroke width
line.borderColor Color Default line stroke color
line.borderCapStyle String 'butt' Default line cap style. See MDN
line.borderDash Array [] Default line dash. See MDN
line.borderDashOffset Number 0.0 Default line dash offset. See MDN
line.borderJoinStyle String 'miter' Default line join style. See MDN
line.fill Boolean true
point - - -
point.radius Number 3 Default point radius
point.backgroundColor Color Default point fill color
point.borderWidth Number 1 Default point stroke width
point.borderColor Color Default point stroke color
point.hitRadius Number 1 Extra radius added to point radius for hit detection
point.hoverRadius Number 4 Default point radius when hovered
point.hoverBorderWidth Number 1 Default stroke width when hovered
rectangle - - -
rectangle.backgroundColor Color Default bar fill color
rectangle.borderWidth Number 0 Default bar stroke width
rectangle.borderColor Color Default bar stroke color

If for example, you wanted all charts created to be responsive, and resize when the browser window does, the following setting can be changed: = true;

Now, every time we create a chart, options.responsive will be true.